Trading on the Edge
Trading On The Edge - CD-ROM Toolkit (Wayzata Technology)(2031)(1994).bin
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bm0560 ;Personal income, total
bm0570 ;Wage and salary disbursements, total
bm0580 ;Commodity-producing industries, total
bm0590 ;Commodity-producing industries, manufacturing
bm0600 ;Distributive industries
bm0610 ;Service industries
bm0620 ;Government
bm0630 ;Other labor income
bm0640 ;Proprietors' income with iva. and cc. adj.: Farm
bm0650 ;Proprietors' income with iva. and cc. adj.: Nonfarm
bm0660 ;Rental income of persons with cc. adj.
bm0670 ;Personal dividend income
bm0680 ;Personal interest income
bm0690 ;Transfer payments to persons
bm0700 ;Less personal contributions for social insurance
bm0710 ;Personal income, total nonfarm income
bm0711 ;Personal income, total (disposition of personal income)
bm0716 ;Personal tax and nontax payments
bm0721 ;Disposable personal income, total
bm0726 ;Personal outlays, total
bm0731 ;Personal consumption expenditures, total
bm0736 ;Personal consumption expenditures, durable goods
bm0741 ;Personal consumption expenditures, nondurable goods
bm0746 ;Personal consumption expenditures, services
bm0751 ;Interest paid by persons
bm0761 ;Personal transfer payments to rest of the world (net)
bm0771 ;Personal saving
bm0781 ;Personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income
bm0791 ;Disposable personal income in constant (1987) dollars
bm0801 ;Personal consumption expenditures in constant (1987) dollars
bm0811 ;Personal consump. expend., durables, in constant (1987) dollars
bm0821 ;Personal consump. expend., nondur., in constant (1987) dollars
bm0831 ;Personal consump. expend., services, in constant (1987) dollars
bm0841 ;Implicit price deflator for personal consumption expenditures
bm0850 ;Industrial production, total
bm0942 ;Industrial production, mining, total
bm0944 ;Industrial production, utilities industry, total
bm0950 ;Industrial production, manufacturing, total
bm0970 ;Industrial production, durable manufactures, total
bm0960 ;Industrial production, nondurable manufactures, total
bm0980 ;Industrial production, total
bm0990 ;Industrial production, products, total
bm1000 ;Industrial production, final products, total
bm1010 ;Industrial production, consumer goods, total
bm1020 ;Industrial production, durable consumer goods, total
bm1030 ;Industrial production, automotive products, total
bm1040 ;Industrial production, autos and trucks, consumer, total
bm1070 ;Industrial production, home goods, total
bm1100 ;Industrial production, nondurable consumer goods, total
bm1130 ;Industrial production, consumer foods and tobacco, total
bm1132 ;Industrial production, consumer clothing, total
bm1134 ;Industrial production, consumer chemical products, total
bm1136 ;Industrial production, consumer paper products, total
bm1138 ;Industrial production, consumer energy products, total
bm1150 ;Industrial production, equipment, total
bm1160 ;Industrial production, business equipment
bm1162 ;Industrial production, information processing and related
bm1172 ;Industrial production, office and computing machines
bm1182 ;Industrial production, industrial equipment
bm1220 ;Industrial production, transit equipment
bm1222 ;Industrial production, autos and trucks
bm1230 ;Industrial production, defense and space equipment
bm1234 ;Industrial production, oil and gas well drilling
bm1236 ;Industrial production, manufactured homes
bm1240 ;Industrial production, intermediate products, total
bm1250 ;Industrial production, construction supplies
bm1260 ;Industrial production, business supplies
bm1270 ;Industrial production, materials, total
bm1280 ;Industrial production, durable goods materials
bm1310 ;Industrial production, nondurable goods materials
bm1330 ;Industrial production, energy materials
bm1350 ;Industrial production, mining, total
bm1360 ;Industrial production, metal mining, total
bm1370 ;Industrial production, coal, total
bm1380 ;Industrial production, oil and gas extraction, total
bm1390 ;Industrial production, crude oil, total
bm1400 ;Industrial production, natural gas
bm1410 ;Industrial production, stone and earth minerals
bm1420 ;Industrial production, utilities, total
bm1430 ;Industrial production, electric, total
bm1432 ;Industrial production, gas, total
bm1440 ;Industrial production, manufacturing, total
bm1600 ;Industrial production, durable manufactures, total
bm1620 ;Industrial production, lumber and products, total
bm1640 ;Industrial production, furniture and fixtures, total
bm1650 ;Industrial production, clay, glass, and stone products, total
bm1660 ;Industrial production, primary metals, total
bm1670 ;Industrial production, iron and steel, total
bm1700 ;Industrial production, nonferrous metals, total
bm1710 ;Industrial production, fabricated metal products, total
bm1720 ;Machinery and computer equipment
bm1730 ;Industrial production, electrical machinery, total
bm1740 ;Industrial production, transportation equipment, total
bm1750 ;Industrial production, motor vehicles and parts, total
bm1770 ;Industrial production, instruments, total
bm1450 ;Industrial production, nondurable manufactures, total
bm1460 ;Industrial production, foods, total
bm1500 ;Industrial production, tobacco, total
bm1510 ;Industrial production, textile mill products, total
bm1520 ;Industrial production, apparel products
bm1530 ;Industrial production, paper and products, total
bm1540 ;Industrial production, printing and publishing, total
bm1550 ;Industrial production, chemicals and products, total
bm1570 ;Industrial production, petroleum products, total
bm1580 ;Industrial production, rubber and plastics products, total
bm1590 ;Industrial production, leather and products, total
bm1780 ;Manufacturing and trade sales, total
bm1790 ;Manufacturing and trade sales, total
bm1800 ;Business sales, manufacturing, total
bm1810 ;Business sales, manufacturing, durable goods
bm1820 ;Business sales, manufacturing, nondurable goods
bm1830 ;Business sales, retail trade, total
bm1840 ;Business sales, retail trade, durable goods
bm1850 ;Business sales, retail trade, nondurable goods
bm1860 ;Sales, merchant wholesalers, total
bm1870 ;Sales, merchant wholesalers, durable goods establishments
bm1880 ;Sales, merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods establishments
bm1883 ;Manufacturing and trade sales in constant (1987) dollars, total
bm1884 ;Manufacturing sales in constant (1987) dollars
bm1885 ;Retail sales in constant (1987) dollars
bm1886 ;Merchant wholesalers' sales in constant (1987) dollars
bm1890 ;Manufacturing and trade inventories, total
bm1900 ;Manufacturing and trade inventories, total
bm1910 ;Business inventories, manufacturing, total
bm1920 ;Business invent., manufacturing, durable goods
bm1930 ;Business invent., manufacturing, nondurable goods
bm1940 ;Business invent., retail sales
bm1950 ;Business invent., retail sales, durable goods
bm1960 ;Business invent., retail sales, nondurable goods
bm1970 ;Merchant wholesalers' inventories, total
bm1980 ;Merchant wholesalers' inventories, durable goods establishments
bm1990 ;Merchant wholesalers' inventories, nondur. goods establishments
bm1993 ;Manufacturing and trade invent. in constant (87) dollars, total
bm1994 ;Manufacturing inventories in constant (1987) dollars
bm1995 ;Retail inventories in constant (1987) dollars
bm1996 ;Merchant wholesalers' inventories in constant (1987) dollars
bm2000 ;Inventory-sales ratios, manufacturing and trade, total
bm2010 ;Inventory-sales ratios, manufacturing, total
bm2020 ;Inv.-sales ratios, durable goods industries, total
bm2030 ;Inventory-sales ratios, materials and supplies, durable goods
bm2040 ;Inventory-sales ratios, work in process, durable goods
bm2050 ;Inventory-sales ratios, finished goods, durable goods
bm2060 ;Inv.-sales ratios, nondur. goods industries, total
bm2070 ;Inventory-sales ratios, material and supplies, nondurable goods
bm2080 ;Inventory-sales ratios, work in process, nondurable goods
bm2090 ;Inventory-sales ratios, finished goods, nondurable goods
bm2100 ;Inventory-sales ratios, retail trade, total
bm2110 ;Inventory-sales ratios, retail trade, durable goods stores
bm2120 ;Inventory-sales ratios, retail trade, nondurable goods stores
bm2130 ;Inventory-sales ratios, merchant wholesalers, total
bm2140 ;Inv.-sales ratios, merchant wholesalers, durable goods estab.
bm2150 ;Inv.-sales ratios, merchant wholesalers, nondur. goods estab.
bm2153 ;Inv.-sales ratios, manu. and trade in constant (87) dol., total
bm2154 ;Inv.-sales ratios, manufacturing in constant (87) dollars, total
bm2155 ;Inv.-sales ratios, retail trade in constant (87) dollars, total
bm2156 ;Inv.-sales ratios, wholesalers in constant (1987) dollars, total
bm2180 ;Manufacturers' shipments, total
bm2190 ;Manufacturers' shipments, durable goods industries, total
bm2200 ;Manufacturers' shipments, stone, clay, and glass products
bm2210 ;Manufacturers' shipments, primary metals
bm2220 ;Manufacturers' shipments, blast furnaces, steel mills
bm2240 ;Manufacturers' shipments, fabricated metal products
bm2250 ;Manufacturers' shipments, industrial machinery and equipment
bm2260 ;Manufacturers' shipments, electronic and other electrical equip.
bm2270 ;Manufacturers' shipments, transportation equipment
bm2280 ;Manufacturers' shipments, motor vehicles and parts
bm2290 ;Manufacturers' shipments, instruments and related products
bm2300 ;Manufacturers' shipments, nondurable goods industries, total
bm2310 ;Manufacturers' shipments, food and kindred products
bm2320 ;Manufacturers' shipments, tobacco products
bm2330 ;Manufacturers' shipments, textile mill products
bm2340 ;Manufacturers' shipments, paper and allied products
bm2350 ;Manufacturers' shipments, chemical and allied products
bm2360 ;Manufacturers' shipments, petroleum and coal products
bm2370 ;Manufacturers' shipments, rubber and plastics products
bm2380 ;Manufacturers' shipments, total
bm2390 ;Manufacturers' shipments, durable goods industries, total
bm2400 ;Manufacturers' shipments, stone, clay, and glass products
bm2410 ;Manufacturers' shipments, primary metals
bm2420 ;Manufacturers' shipments, blast furnaces, steel mills
bm2440 ;Manufacturers' shipments, fabricated metal products
bm2450 ;Manufacturers' shipments, industrial machinery and equipment
bm2460 ;Manufacturers' shipments, electronic and other electrical equip.
bm2470 ;Manufacturers' shipments, transportation equipment
bm2480 ;Manufacturers' shipments, motor vehicles and parts
bm2490 ;Manufacturers' shipments, instruments and related products
bm2500 ;Manufacturers' shipments, nondurable goods industries, total
bm2510 ;Manufacturers' shipments, food and kindred products
bm2520 ;Manufacturers' shipments, tobacco products
bm2530 ;Manufacturers' shipments, textile mill products
bm2540 ;Manufacturers' shipments, paper and allied products
bm2550 ;Manufacturers' shipments, chemical and allied products
bm2560 ;Manufacturers' shipments, petroleum and coal products
bm2570 ;Manufacturers' shipments, rubber and plastics products
bm2580 ;Manufacturers' shipments, home goods and apparel
bm2590 ;Manufacturers' shipments, consumer staples
bm2600 ;Manufacturers' shipments, machinery and equipment
bm2610 ;Manufacturers' shipments, automotive equipment
bm2620 ;Manufacturers' shipments, construction materials and supplies
bm2630 ;Manufacturers' shipments, other mat., supplies, and prod.
bm2640 ;Manufacturers' shipments, household durable
bm2650 ;Manufacturers' shipments, capital goods industries
bm2660 ;Manufacturers' shipments, capital goods industries, nondefense
bm2670 ;Manufacturers' shipments, capital goods industries, defense
bm2680 ;Manufacturers' inventories, total
bm2690 ;Manufacturers' inventories, durable goods industries,
bm2700 ;Manufacturers' inventories, nondurable goods industries, total
bm2710 ;Manufacturers' inventories, total
bm2720 ;Manufacturers' inventories, durable goods industries, total
bm2730 ;Manufacturers' inventories, stone, clay, and glass products
bm2740 ;Manufacturers' inventories, primary metals
bm2750 ;Manufacturers' inventories, blast furnaces, steel mills
bm2770 ;Manufacturers' inventories, fabricated metal products
bm2780 ;Manufacturers' inventories, industrial machinery and equip.
bm2790 ;Manufacturers' inventories, electronic and other electrical equ.
bm2800 ;Manufacturers' inventories, transportation equipment
bm2810 ;Manufacturers' inventories, motor vehicles and parts
bm2820 ;Manufacturers' inventories, instruments and relates products
bm2830 ;Manufacturers' inventories, dur. materials and supplies, total
bm2880 ;Manufacturers' inventories, durable work in process, total
bm2930 ;Manufacturers' inventories, durable finished goods, total
bm2980 ;Manufacturers' inventories, nondurable goods industries, total
bm2990 ;Manufacturers' inventories, food and kindred products
bm3000 ;Manufacturers' inventories, tobacco products
bm3010 ;Manufacturers' inventories, textile mill products
bm3020 ;Manufacturers' inventories, paper and allied products
bm3030 ;Manufacturers' inventories, chemicals and allied products
bm3040 ;Manufacturers' inventories, petroleum and coal products
bm3050 ;Manufacturers' inventories, rubber and plastics products
bm3060 ;Manufacturers' inventories, nondur. materials & supplies, total
bm3070 ;Manufacturers' inventories, nondurable work in process, total
bm3080 ;Manufacturers' inventories, nondurable finished goods, total
bm3090 ;Manufacturers' inventories, home goods apparel
bm3100 ;Manufacturers' inventories, consumer staples
bm3110 ;Manufacturers' inventories, machinery and equipment
bm3120 ;Manufacturers' inventories, automotive equipment
bm3130 ;Manufacturers' inventories, construction materials and supplies
bm3140 ;Manufacturers' inventories, other materials, supplies, and prod.
bm3150 ;Manufacturers' inventories, household durable
bm3160 ;Manufacturers' inventories, capital goods industries
bm3170 ;Manufacturers' inventories, capital goods, nondefense
bm3180 ;Manufacturers' inventories, capital goods, defense
bm3190 ;Manufacturers' new orders, total
bm3200 ;Manufacturers' new orders, durable goods industries, total
bm3210 ;Manufacturers' new orders, nondurable goods industries, total
bm3220 ;Manufacturers' new orders, total
bm3230 ;Manufacturers' new orders, durable goods industries, total
bm3240 ;Manufacturers' new orders, primary metals
bm3250 ;Manufacturers' new orders, blast furnaces, steel mills
bm3260 ;Manufacturers' new orders, nonferrous and other primary metals
bm3270 ;Manufacturers' new orders, fabricated metals products
bm3280 ;Manufacturers' new orders, industrial machinery and equipment
bm3290 ;Manufacturers' new orders, electronic and other electrical equip
bm3300 ;Manufacturers' new orders, transportation equipment
bm3310 ;Manufacturers' new orders, aircraft, missiles,and parts
bm3320 ;Manufacturers' new orders, nondurable goods industries, total
bm3330 ;Manufacturers' new orders, nondurables with unfilled orders
bm3340 ;Manufacturers' new orders, nondurables w/o unfilled orders
bm3350 ;Manufacturers' new orders, home goods apparel
bm3360 ;Manufacturers' new orders, consumer staples
bm3370 ;Manufacturers' new orders, machinery and equipment
bm3380 ;Manufacturers' new orders, automotive equipment
bm3390 ;Manufacturers' new orders, construction materials and supplies
bm3400 ;Manufacturers' new orders, other mat., supplies, and products
bm3410 ;Manufacturers' new orders, household durable
bm3420 ;Manufacturers' new orders, capital goods industries
bm3430 ;Manufacturers' new orders, capital goods nondefense
bm3440 ;Manufacturers' new orders, capital goods defense
bm3450 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, total
bm3460 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, durable goods industries, total
bm3470 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, nondurables goods, total
bm3480 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, total
bm3490 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, durable goods industries, total
bm3500 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, primary metals
bm3510 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, blast furnaces, steel mills
bm3520 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, nonfer. and other primary metal
bm3530 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, fabricated metal products
bm3540 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, industrial machinery and equip.
bm3550 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, electronic and other elect. eqp.
bm3560 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, transportation equipment
bm3570 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, aircraft, missiles, and parts
bm3580 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, nondurable goods, total
bm3591 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, home goods and apparel
bm3592 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, consumer staples
bm3601 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, machinery and equipment
bm3602 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, automotive equipment
bm3610 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, const. materials and supplies
bm3620 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, other mat., supplies, and prod.
bm3630 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, household durable
bm3640 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, capital goods industries
bm3650 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, capital goods, nondefense
bm3660 ;Manufacturers' unfilled orders, capital goods, defense
bm3670 ;New incorporations (50 States & D.C.)
bm3680 ;New incorporations (50 States & D.C.)
bm3690 ;Industrial and commercial failures, total
bm3700 ;Failures, commercial service
bm3710 ;Failures, construction
bm3720 ;Failures, manufacturing and mining
bm3730 ;Failures, trade retail
bm3740 ;Failures, trade wholesale
bm3750 ;Industrial and commercial failures, liabilities (current), total
bm3760 ;Failures, liabilities (current), commercial service
bm3770 ;Failures, Liabilities (current), construction
bm3780 ;Failures, liabilities (current), manufacturing and mining
bm3790 ;Failures, liabilities (current), trade retail
bm3800 ;Failures, liabilities (current), trade wholesale
bm3810 ;Industrial and commercial failure annual rate
cm0010 ;Prices received by farmers, all farm products
cm0020 ;Prices received by farmers, crops, total
cm0030 ;Prices received by farmers, commercial vegetables
cm0040 ;Prices received by farmers, cotton
cm0050 ;Prices received by farmers, feed grains and hay
cm0060 ;Prices received by farmers, food grains
cm0070 ;Prices received by farmers, fruit
cm0080 ;Prices received by farmers, tobacco
cm0090 ;Prices received by farmers, livestock and products, total
cm0100 ;Prices received by farmers, dairy products
cm0110 ;Prices received by farmers, meat animals
cm0120 ;Prices received by farmers, poultry and eggs
cm0150 ;Prices pd by farmers, production items
cm0160 ;Prices paid by farmers, index used for parity ratio
cm0170 ;Parity ratio
cm0180 ;CPI-W, All items
cm0190 ;CPI-U, All items
cm0200 ;CPI-U, All items less shelter
cm0210 ;CPI-U, All items less food
cm0220 ;CPI-U, All items less medical care
cm0230 ;CPI-U, Commodites, total
cm0240 ;CPI-U, Nondurables
cm0250 ;CPI-U, Nondurables less food
cm0260 ;CPI-U, Durables
cm0270 ;CPI-U, Commodities less food
cm0280 ;CPI-U, Services, total
cm0300 ;CPI-U, Food, total
cm0310 ;CPI-U, Food at home
cm0320 ;CPI-U, Housing, total
cm0330 ;CPI-U, Shelter
cm0340 ;CPI-U, Rent, residential
cm0350 ;CPI-U, Homeowners' cost
cm0360 ;CPI-U, Fuel and utilities, total
cm0370 ;CPI-U, Fuel oil, coal, and bottled gas
cm0380 ;CPI-U, Gas (piped) and electricity
cm0390 ;CPI-U, Household furnishings and operation
cm0400 ;CPI-U, Apparel and upkeep
cm0410 ;CPI-U, Transportation, total
cm0420 ;CPI-U, Transportation, private
cm0430 ;CPI-U, Transportation, new cars
cm0440 ;CPI-U, Transportation, used cars
cm0450 ;CPI-U, Transportation, public
cm0460 ;CPI-U, Medical care
cm0470 ;CPI-U, All items, 1 mon. percent change, seas adj
cm0480 ;CPI-U, Commodities, total, seas adj
cm0490 ;CPI-U, Commodities less food, seas adj
cm0500 ;CPI-U, Food, total, seas adj
cm0510 ;CPI-U, Food at home, seas adj
cm0540 ;CPI-U, Apparel and upkeep, seas adj
cm0550 ;CPI-U, Transportation, total, seas adj
cm0560 ;CPI-U, Transportation, private, seas adj
cm0570 ;CPI-U, Transportation, new cars, seas adj
cm0580 ;CPI-U, Services, seas adj
cm0620 ;PPI, all commodities
cm0630 ;PPI, crude materials
cm0640 ;PPI, intermediate materials
cm0650 ;PPI, finished goods, total
cm0660 ;PPI, finished consumer goods
cm0670 ;PPI, capital equipment
cm0680 ;PPI, durable goods
cm0690 ;PPI, nondurable goods
cm0700 ;PPI, manufactures, total
cm0710 ;PPI, durable manufactures
cm0720 ;PPI, nondurable manufactures
cm0730 ;PPI, farm products, processed foods and feeds
cm0740 ;PPI, farm products, total
cm0790 ;PPI, foods and feeds, processed, total
cm0850 ;PPI, industrial commodities, total
cm0860 ;PPI, chemicals and allied products
cm0920 ;PPI, fuels and related products and power
cm0970 ;PPI, furniture and household durables
cm1010 ;PPI, hides, skins, leather, and related products
cm1050 ;PPI, lumber and wood products
cm1070 ;PPI, machinery and equipment
cm1120 ;PPI, metals and metal products
cm1160 ;PPI, nonmetallic mineral products
cm1200 ;PPI, pulp, paper and allied products
cm1220 ;PPI, rubber and plastics products
cm1240 ;PPI, textile products and apparel
cm1310 ;PPI, transportation equipment
cm1320 ;PPI, motor vehicles and equipment
cm1330 ;PPI, finished goods, 1 mon. % change, seas. adj.
cm1340 ;PPI, crude materials, seas. adj.
cm1350 ;PPI, intermediate materials, seas. adj.
cm1355 ;PPI, finished goods, seas. adj.
cm1360 ;PPI, finished consumer goods, seas. adj.
cm1370 ;PPI, finished consumer foods, seas. adj.
cm1380 ;PPI, finished consumer goods excl. foods, seas. adj.
cm1390 ;PPI, finished consumer durable goods, seas. adj.
cm1400 ;PPI, finished consumer nondur. goods excl. foods, seas. adj.
cm1410 ;PPI, capital equipment, seas. adj.
cm1470 ;Purchasing power of the $, as measured by producer prices
cm1480 ;Purchasing power of the $, as measured by consumer prices
gm0010 ;New construction put in place, total
gm0020 ;New construction put in place, private, total
gm0030 ;New construction put in place, private, residential, total
gm0040 ;New construction put in place, private, new housing units
gm0050 ;New construction, private, nonres. bldgs., ex. farm & pub. util.
gm0060 ;New construction put in place, private, industrial
gm0070 ;New construction put in place, private, commercial
gm0080 ;New construction put in place, telecommunications
gm0090 ;New construction put in place, public, total
gm0100 ;New construction put in place, public, buildings (ex. military)
gm0110 ;New construction put in place, public, housing and redevelopment
gm0120 ;New construction put in place, public, buildings, industrial
gm0130 ;New construction put in place, public, military facilities
gm0140 ;New construction put in place, public, highways and streets
gm0150 ;New construction put in place, total
gm0160 ;New construction put in place, private, total
gm0170 ;New construction put in place, private, residential, total
gm0180 ;New construction put in place, private, new housing units
gm0190 ;New construction, private, nonres. bldgs., ex. farm & pub. util.
gm0200 ;New construction put in place, private, industrial
gm0210 ;New construction put in place, private, commercial
gm0220 ;New construction put in place, telecommunications, SAAR
gm0230 ;New construction put in place, public, total
gm0240 ;New construction put in place, public, buildings (ex. military)
gm0250 ;New construction put in place, public, housing and redevelopment
gm0260 ;New construction put in place, public, buildings, industrial
gm0270 ;New construction put in place, public, military facilities
gm0280 ;New construction put in place, public, highways and streets
gm0300 ;Construction contracts (F.W. Dodge), valuation, total
gm0310 ;Construction contracts (F.W. Dodge), valuation, total--index
gm0320 ;Construction contracts, valuation, public ownership
gm0330 ;Construction contracts, valuation, private ownership
gm0340 ;Construction contracts, valuation, nonresidential building
gm0350 ;Construction contracts, valuation, residential building
gm0360 ;Construction contracts, valuation, non-building construction
gm0370 ;New construction planning (Engineering News-Record)
gm0380 ;New housing units started, private & public, total
gm0400 ;New housing units started, privately owned, total
gm0410 ;New housing units started, privately owned, 1-family structures
gm0420 ;New housing units started, privately owned, total
gm0430 ;New housing units started, privately owned, 1-family structures
gm0440 ;New private housing units authorized by building permits, total
gm0450 ;New priv. housing units authorized by building permits, 1-family
gm0460 ;Manufactures' shipments of mobile homes, total
gm0470 ;Manufacturers' shipments of mobile homes, total
gm0482 ;Census fixed-weighted construction cost index
gm0486 ;Census implicit price deflator for construction cost
gm0540 ;Boeckh index, apartments, hotels, & office bldgs COPYRIGHTED
gm0550 ;Boeckh index, commercial and factory buildings COPYRIGHTED
gm0560 ;Boeckh index, residences COPYRIGHTED
gm0570 ;Engineering News-Record building cost index
gm0580 ;Engineering New-Record construction cost index
gm0590 ;Federal-aid highway construction composite index
gm0650 ;Mortgage applications for new home construction, F.H.A.
gm0660 ;Mortgage applications for new home construction, F.H.A.
gm0670 ;Mortgage applications for new home construction, V.A. appraisals
gm0680 ;Mortgage applications for new home construction, V.A. appraisals
gm0690 ;Home mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration
gm0700 ;Home mortgages guaranteed by the Veterans Administration
gm0710 ;Federal Home Loan Banks, outstanding advances to member inst.
gm0720 ;New mortgage loans of all savings and loan associations, total
gm0730 ;New mortgage loans of all S&Ls, home construction
gm0740 ;New mortgage loans of all S&Ls, home purchase
gm0750 ;New mortgage loans of all S&Ls, all other purposes
dm0060 ;Magazine advertising, cost, total
dm0070 ;Magazine advertising, apparel and accessories
dm0080 ;Magazine advertising, automotive, incl. accessories
dm0090 ;Magazine advertising, building materials
dm0100 ;Magazine advertising, drug and toiletries
dm0110 ;Magazine advertising, foods, soft drinks, confectionery
dm0120 ;Magazine advertising, beer, wine, liquors
dm0130 ;Magazine advertising, household equip., supplies, furnishing
dm0140 ;Magazine advertising, industrial materials
dm0150 ;Magazine advertising, soaps, cleaners, etc.
dm0160 ;Magazine advertising, smoking materials
dm0170 ;Magazine advertising, all other
dm0180 ;Newspaper advertising, total
dm0200 ;Newspaper advertising, classified
dm0220 ;Newspaper advertising, national
dm0230 ;Newspaper advertising, retail
dm0240 ;Merchant wholesalers, sales, total
dm0250 ;Merchant wholesalers, sales, durable goods
dm0260 ;Merchant wholesalers, sales, nondurable goods
dm0270 ;Merchant wholesalers, inventories, total
dm0280 ;Merchant wholesalers, inventories, durable goods
dm0290 ;Merchant wholesalers, inventories, nondurable goods
dm0300 ;Retail sales, all retail stores, total
dm0310 ;Retail sales, durable goods stores, total
dm0320 ;Retail sales, bldg. materials, hrdwre., garden supply & m.o.d.
dm0350 ;Retail sales, automotive dealers
dm0380 ;Retail sales, furniture, home furning. & equip. stores
dm0410 ;Retail sales, nondurable goods stores, total )
dm0420 ;Retail sales, general merchandise group stores
dm0450 ;Retail sales, food stores
dm0470 ;Retail sales, gasoline service stations
dm0480 ;Retail sales, apparel & accessory stores
dm0520 ;Retail sales, eating & drinking places
dm0530 ;Retail sales, drug & proprietary stores
dm0540 ;Retail sales, liquor stores
dm0560 ;Retail sales, all retail stores, total
dm0570 ;Retail sales, durable goods stores, total
dm0580 ;Retail sales, bldg. materials, hrdwre., garden supply & m.o.d.
dm0590 ;Retail sales, bldg. materials & supply stores
dm0600 ;Retail sales, hardware stores
dm0610 ;Retail sales, automotive dealers
dm0620 ;Retail sales, motor vehicle dealers
dm0630 ;Retail sales, auto & home supply stores
dm0640 ;Retail sales, furniture, home furning., & equip. stores
dm0650 ;Retail sales, furniture, home furning. stores
dm0660 ;Retail sales, household appliance, radio, tv
dm0670 ;Retail sales, nondurable goods stores, total
dm0680 ;Retail sales, general merchandise group stores
dm0690 ;Retail sales, department stores
dm0700 ;Retail sales, variety stores
dm0710 ;Retail sales, food stores
dm0720 ;Retail sales, grocery stores
dm0730 ;Retail sales, gasoline service stations
dm0740 ;Retail sales, apparel & accessory stores
dm0750 ;Retail sales, men's & boys' clothing
dm0760 ;Retail sales, women's clothing, spec. stores, furriers
dm0770 ;Retail sales, shoe stores
dm0780 ;Retail sales, eating & drinking places
dm0790 ;Retail sales, drug & proprietary stores
dm0800 ;Retail sales, liquor stores
dm0820 ;Retail inventories, all retail stores, total
dm0830 ;Retail inventories, durable goods stores, total
dm0840 ;Retail inventories, bldg. mat., hrdwre., garden supply & m.o.d.
dm0850 ;Retail inventories, automotive dealers
dm0860 ;Retail inventories, furniture, home furning., & equip. stores
dm0870 ;Retail inventories, nondurable goods stores, total
dm0880 ;Retail inventories, general merchandise group stores
dm0890 ;Retail inventories, department stores
dm0895 ;Retail inventories, food stores
dm0900 ;Retail inventories, apparel & accessory stores
dm0910 ;Retail inventories, all retail stores, total
dm0920 ;Retail inventories, durable goods stores, total
dm0930 ;Retail inventories, bldg. mat., hrdwre., garden supply & m.o.d.
dm0933 ;Retail inventories, automotive dealers, total
dm0937 ;Retail inventories, furniture, home furning., & equip. stores
dm0940 ;Retail inventories, nondurable goods stores, total
dm0945 ;Retail inventories, general merchandise group stores
dm0950 ;Retail inventories, department stores
dm0960 ;Retail inventories, food stores
dm0970 ;Retail inventories, apparel & accessory stores
dm0975 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, estimated sales, total
dm0980 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, durable goods, sales
dm0990 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, auto & home supply stores
dm1020 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, nondurable goods, sales
dm1030 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, general merchandise group stores
dm1070 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, food stores
dm1080 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, grocery stores
dm1090 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, apparel & accessory stores
dm1130 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, eating places
dm1140 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, drug & proprietary stores
dm1150 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, estimated sales, total
dm1160 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, auto & home supply stores
dm1170 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, department stores
dm1180 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, variety stores
dm1190 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, grocery stores
dm1200 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, apparel & accessory stores
dm1210 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, women's cloth. spec. stores, fur.
dm1220 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, shoe stores
dm1230 ;Firms with 11 or more stores, drug & proprietary stores
em0015 ;Total noninstitutional pop.: persons 16 years of age & over
em0020 ;Labor force, total
em0027 ;Civilian noninstutional population
em0030 ;Labor force, civilian, total
em0040 ;Labor force, civilian, employed, total
em0070 ;Labor force, civilian, unemployed, total
em0080 ;Labor force, civilian, total
em0085 ;Labor force, civilian, participation rate
em0090 ;Labor force, civilian, employed, total
em0095 ;Labor force, civilian, employment-population ratio
em0100 ;Labor force, civilian, agriculture
em0110 ;Labor force, civilian, nonagriculture
em0120 ;Labor force, civilian, unemployed, total
em0130 ;Labor force, civilian, long term 15 weeks & over
em0140 ;Unemployed as percent of the civilian labor force
em0150 ;Unemployment rate, mem, 20 years and over
em0160 ;Unemployment rate, women, 20 years and over
em0170 ;Unemployment rate, both sexes, 16-19 years
em0180 ;Unemployment rate, white
em0191 ;Unemployment rate, black
em0192 ;Unemployment rate, hispanic origin
em0200 ;Unemployment rate, married men, spouse present
em0203 ;Unemployment rate, married women, spouse present
em0207 ;Unemployment rate, women who head families
em0230 ;Unemployment rate, private wage & salary workers-total, nonag.
em0240 ;Unemployment rate, construction
em0250 ;Unemployment rate, manufacturing-total
em0260 ;Unemployment rate, manufacturing-durable goods
em0263 ;Unemployment rate: agricultural wage & salary workers
em0212 ;Unemployment rate: managerial & professional specialty
em0213 ;Unemployment rate: technical sales & administrative support
em0214 ;Unemployment rate: service occupations
em0215 ;Unemployment rate: precision production; craft & repair
em0216 ;Unemployment rate: operatiors, fabricators & laborers
em0217 ;Unemployment rate: farming, forestry & fishing
em0270 ;Employees on payrolls of nonagricultural establishments, total
em0280 ;Employees on payrolls of nonag. establishments, private sector
em0290 ;Employees on payrolls of nonagricultural establishments, total
em0300 ;Employees (nonagricultural): private sector
em0310 ;Employees (nonagricultural): nonmanufacturing industries
em0320 ;Employees on payrolls of nonag. estab., goods-producing ind.
em0330 ;Employees on payrolls in goods-producing industries, mining
em0340 ;Employees on payrolls in goods-producing ind., construction
em0350 ;Employees on payrolls of manufacturing establishments, total
em0360 ;Employees on payrolls of mfg. estab., durable goods ind., total
em0380 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., lumber and wood products
em0390 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., furniture and fixtures
em0400 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., stone, clay, & glass prod.
em0410 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., primary metal industries
em0420 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., fabricated metal products
em0430 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., machinery, except elec.
em0440 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., elec. & electronic equip.
em0450 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., transportation equipment
em0460 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., instr. & related prod.
em0470 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., miscellaneous mfg.
em0480 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., nondurable goods ind.
em0490 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., food & kindred products
em0500 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., tobacco manufactures
em0510 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., textile mill products
em0520 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., apparel & other tex. prod.
em0530 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., paper & allied products
em0540 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., printing & publishing
em0550 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., chemicals & allied prod.
em0560 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., petroleum & coal prod.
em0570 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., rub. & plastic prod., nec
em0580 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., leather & leather prod.
em0590 ;Employees on payrolls in mfg. estab., service-producing
em0600 ;Employees on payrolls in serv.-prod. estab., trans. & pub. util.
em0620 ;Employees on payrolls in serv.-prod. estab., wholesale trade
em0630 ;Employees on payrolls in serv.-prod. estab., retail trade
em0640 ;Employees on payrolls in serv.-prod. estab., f.i.r.e.
em0650 ;Employees on payrolls in serv.-prod. estab., services
em0660 ;Employees on payrolls in serv.-prod. estab., governmant
em0670 ;Employees on payrolls in government establishments, Federal
em0680 ;Employees on payrolls in government establishments, State
em0681 ;Employees on payrolls in government establishments, local
em0690 ;Production workers on private nonagricultural payrolls
em0700 ;Manufacturing production workers
em0710 ;Production workers on private nonagricultural payrolls
em0720 ;Total goods producing production workers
em0730 ;Mining production workers
em0740 ;Construction production workers
em0750 ;Production workers in mfg. estab., total
em0760 ;Production workers in mfg. estab., durable goods ind., total
em0780 ;Lumber and wood products production workers
em0790 ;Furniture and fixtures production workers
em0800 ;Stone, clay, and glass products production workers
em0810 ;Primary metal industries production workers
em0820 ;Fabricated metal products production workers
em0830 ;Machinery, except electrical production workers
em0840 ;Electric and electronic equipment production workers
em0850 ;Transportation equipment production workers
em0860 ;Instruments and related products production workers
em0870 ;Miscellaneous manufacturing industries production workers
em0880 ;Nondurable goods production workers
em0890 ;Food and kindred products production workers
em0900 ;Tobacco manufactures production workers
em0910 ;Textile mill products production workers
em0920 ;Apparel and other textile products production workers
em0930 ;Paper and allied products production workers
em0940 ;Printing and publishing production workers
em0950 ;Chemicals and allied products production workers
em0960 ;Petroleum and coal products production workers
em0970 ;Rubber and misc. plastics products production workers
em0980 ;Leather and leather products production workers
em0990 ;Private service producing production workers
em1000 ;Transportation and public utilities production workers
em1020 ;Wholesale trade production workers
em1030 ;Retail trade production workers
em1040 ;Finance, insurance, and real estate production workers
em1050 ;Services production workers
em1090 ;Avg. weekly gross hrs. per prod. worker on priv. nonag. payrolls
em1080 ;Avg. weekly gross hrs. per prod. worker on priv. nonag. payrolls
em1100 ;Mining average weekly hours
em1110 ;Construction average weekly hours
em1120 ;Avg. wkly gross hrs. per prod. worker on payrolls of mfg. estab.
em1130 ;Avg. wkly gross hrs. per prod. worker on payrolls of mfg. estab.
em1140 ;Average weekly overtime hours, manufacturing estab., total
em1150 ;Avg. weekly gross hours, mfg. estab., durable goods ind., total
em1160 ;Avg. wkly overtime hrs., mfg. estab., durable goods ind., total
em1180 ;Lumber and wood products, average weekly hours
em1190 ;Furniture and fixtures, average weekly hours
em1200 ;Stone, clay, and glass products, average weekly hours
em1210 ;Primary metal industries, average weekly hours
em1220 ;Fabricated metal products, average weekly hours
em1230 ;Machinery, except electrical, average weekly hours
em1240 ;Electric and electronic equipment, average weekly hours
em1250 ;Transportation equipment, average weekly hours
em1260 ;Instruments and related products, average weekly hours
em1270 ;Miscellaneous manufacturing industries, average weekly hours
em1280 ;Avg weekly gross hrs, nondurable goods industries
em1290 ;Avg weekly overtime hours, nondurable goods industries
em1300 ;Food and kindred products, average weekly hours
em1310 ;Tobacco manufactures, average weekly hours
em1320 ;Textile mill products, average weekly hours
em1330 ;Apparel and other textile products, average weekly hours
em1340 ;Paper and allied products, average weekly hours
em1350 ;Printing and publishing, average weekly hours
em1360 ;Chemicals and allied products, average weekly hours
em1370 ;Petroleum and coal products, average weekly hours
em1380 ;Rubber and misc. Plastics products, average weekly hours
em1390 ;Leather and leather products, average weekly hours
em1400 ;Transportation and public utilities, average weekly hours
em1420 ;Wholesale trade, average weekly hours
em1430 ;Retail trade, average weekly hours
em1440 ;Finance, insurance, and real estate, average weekly hours
em1450 ;Services, average weekly hours
em1460 ;Aggregate hours of wage and salary workers in nonagr. estab.
em1470 ;Aggregate employee-hours, total private
em1480 ;Aggregate employee-hours, mining
em1490 ;Aggregate employee-hours, construction
em1500 ;Aggregate employee-hours, manufacturing
em1510 ;Aggregate employee-hours, transportation & public utilities
em1521 ;Aggregate employee-hours, wholesale trade
em1525 ;Aggregate employee-hours, retail trade
em1530 ;Aggregate employee-hours, finance, insurance & real estate
em1540 ;Aggregate employee-hours, services
em1550 ;Aggregate employee-hours, government
em1560 ;Index of employee-hours, total private (aggregate weekly)
em1570 ;Indexes of employee-hours, goods-producing (aggregate weekly)
em1580 ;Indexes of employee-hours, mining (aggregate weekly)
em1590 ;Indexes of employee-hours, construction (aggregate weekly)
em1600 ;Indexes of employee-hours, manufacturing (aggregate weekly)
em1610 ;Indexes of employee-hours, durable goods (aggregate weekly)
em1620 ;Indexes of employee-hours, nondurable goods (aggregate weekly)
em1630 ;Indexes of employee-hours, service-producing (aggregate weekly)
em1640 ;Indexes of employee-hrs, transp. & public util. (aggregate wkly)
em1660 ;Indexes of employee-hours, wholesale trade (aggregate weekly)
em1670 ;Indexes of employee-hours, retail trade (aggregate weekly)
em1680 ;Indexes of employee-hours, f. i. r. e. (aggregate weekly)
em1690 ;Indexes of employee-hours, services (aggregate weekly)
em1700 ;Avg hourly gross earnings, private nonagricultural payrolls
em1710 ;Mining, average hourly earnings
em1720 ;Construction, average hourly earnings
em1730 ;Avg. hourly gross earnings per production worker of mfg. estab.
em1740 ;Avg. hrly earnings excl. overtime per prod. worker, mfg. estab.
em1750 ;Avg. hourly gross earnings per prod. worker, durable goods ind.
em1760 ;Avg. hrly earnings excl. overtime per prod. worker, dur. goods
em1780 ;Lumber and wood products, average hourly earnings
em1790 ;Furniture and fixtures, average hourly earnings
em1800 ;Stone, clay, and glass products, average hourly earnings
em1810 ;Primary metal industries, average hourly earnings
em1820 ;Fabricated metal products, average hourly earnings
em1830 ;Machinery, except electrical, average hourly earnings
em1840 ;Electric and electronic equipment, average hourly earnings
em1850 ;Transportation equipment, average hourly earnings
em1860 ;Instruments and related products, average hourly earnings
em1870 ;Miscellaneous manufacturing industries, average hourly earnings
em1880 ;Avg. hourly gross earnings per prod. worker, nondurable goods
em1890 ;Avg hrly earnings excl. overtime per prod. worker, nondur. goods
em1900 ;Food and kindred products, average hourly earnings
em1910 ;Tobacco manufactures, average hourly earnings
em1920 ;Textile mill products, average hourly earnings
em1930 ;Apparel and other textile products, average hourly earnings
em1940 ;Paper and allied products, average hourly earnings
em1950 ;Printing and publishing, average hourly earnings
em1960 ;Chemicals and allied products, average hourly earnings
em1970 ;Petroleum and coal products, average hourly earnings
em1980 ;Rubber and misc. Plastics products, average hourly earnings
em1990 ;Leather and leather products, average hourly earnings
em2000 ;Transportation and public utilities, average hourly earnings
em2020 ;Wholesale trade, average hourly earnings
em2030 ;Retail trade, average hourly earnings
em2040 ;Finance, insurance, and real estate, average hourly earnings
em2050 ;Services, average hourly earnings
em2180 ;Avg. hourly gross earnings, private nonagricultural payrolls
em2190 ;Mining, average hourly earnings
em2200 ;Construction, average hourly earnings
em2210 ;Avg. hourly gross earnings, manufacturing estab. payrolls
em2220 ;Transportation & public utilities, average hourly earnings
em2231 ;Wholesale trade, average hourly earnings
em2235 ;Retail trade, average hourly earnings
em2240 ;Finance, insurance & real estate, average hourly earnings
em2250 ;Services, average hourly earnings
em2350 ;Hourly construction wages (ENR), common labor
em2360 ;Hourly construction wages (ENR), skilled labor
em2410 ;Hourly wages, railroad
em2420 ;Avg. weekly earnings: private nonfarm, current dollars
em2425 ;Avg. weekly earnings: private nonfarm, 1982 dollars
em2450 ;Avg. weekly earnings: private nonfarm, total current dollars
em2460 ;Avg. weekly earnings: mining, current dollars
em2470 ;Avg. weekly earnings: construction, current dollars
em2480 ;Avg. weekly earnings: manufacturing, current dollars
em2490 ;Avg. weekly earnings: durable goods, current dollars
em2500 ;Avg. weekly earnings: nondurable goods, current dollars
em2510 ;Avg. weekly earnings: trans. & public utilities, current dollars
em2530 ;Avg. weekly earnings: wholesale trade, current dollars
em2540 ;Avg. weekly earnings: retail trade, current dollars
em2550 ;Avg. weekly earnings: F.I.R.E., current dollars
em2560 ;Avg. weekly earnings: services, current dollars
em2561 ;Employment cost index, civilian workers
em2562 ;Employment cost index, white-collar workers
em2563 ;Employment cost index, blue-collar workers
em2564 ;Employment cost index, service workers
em2565 ;Employment cost index, manufacturing industry
em2566 ;Employment cost index, nonmanufacturing industry
em2567 ;Employment cost index, service industry
em2568 ;Employment cost index, public administration
em2571 ;Employment cost index, wages and salaries, civilian workers
em2572 ;Employment cost index, wages and salaries, white-collar workers
em2573 ;Employment cost index, wages and salaries, blue-collar workers
em2574 ;Employment cost index, wages and salaries, service workers
em2575 ;Employment cost index, wages and salaries, manufact. industry
em2576 ;Employment cost index, wages and salaries, nonmanufact. industry
em2577 ;Employment cost index, wages and salaries, service industry
em2578 ;Employment cost index, wages and salaries, public administration
em2570 ;Help-wanted advertising index
em2830 ;Work stoppages (1,000 or more): number
em2850 ;Work stoppages (1,000 or more): workers involved
em2870 ;Work stoppages (1,000 or more): days idle in month or year
em2900 ;Unemployment insurance, State programs-initial claims
em2910 ;Unemployment insurance, State programs-avg. wkly insured
em2920 ;Unemployment insurance, State programs-rate of insured
em2930 ;Unemployment insurance, State programs-total benefits paid
em2940 ;Unemployment insurance, State programs-weeks compensated
em2950 ;Unemployment insurance, State programs-avg. weekly benefit
em2960 ;Unemployment insurance, Federal civilian-initial claims
em2970 ;Unemployment insurance, Federal civilian-avg. wkly insured
em2980 ;Unemployment insurance, Federal civilian-total benefits paid
em2990 ;Unemployment insurance, Federal civilian-weeks compensated
em3000 ;Unemployment insurance, Federal civilian-avg. weekly benefit
em3010 ;Unemployment insurance, veterans-initial claims
em3020 ;Unemployment insurance, veterans-avg. weekly insured
em3030 ;Unemployment insurance, veterans-total benefits paid
em3040 ;Unemployment insurance, veterans-weeks compensated
em3050 ;Unemployemnt insurance, veterans-avg. weekly benefit
fm0010 ;Bankers' dollar acceptances outstanding, end of period
fm0020 ;Commercial paper outstanding, all issuers
fm0030 ;Commercial paper outstanding, financial companies
fm0040 ;Commercial paper outstanding, financial companies, dealer-placed
fm0050 ;Commercial paper outstand., financial companies, directly-placed
fm0060 ;Commercial paper outstanding, nonfinancial companies
fm0071 ;Farm Credit System, total loans
fm0081 ;Farm Credit System, long-term real estate loans
fm0091 ;Farm Credit System, short-term and intermediate-term loans
fm0101 ;Farm Credit System, loans to cooperatives
fm0110 ;Federal Reserve banks, total assets
fm0120 ;Federal Reserve banks, total reserve bank credit outstanding
fm0130 ;Federal Reserve banks, time loans
fm0140 ;Federal Reserve banks, U.S. Government securities
fm0150 ;Federal Reserve banks, gold certifcate account
fm0160 ;Federal Reserve banks, total liabilities
fm0170 ;Federal Reserve banks, total deposits
fm0180 ;Federal Reserve banks, member-bank reserve balances
fm0190 ;Federal Reserve banks, Federal Reserve notes in circulation
fm0200 ;Total reserves held at all member banks of Fed. Reserve System
fm0210 ;Required reserves held at all member banks of Fed. Reserve Syst.
fm0220 ;Excess reserves at all member banks of Fed. Reserve System
fm0230 ;Borrowings from Federal Reserve banks (all member banks)
fm0240 ;Free Reserves at all member banks of Federal Reserve System
fm0260 ;Large commercial banks, demand deposits, total
fm0270 ;Large commercial banks, demand deposits, ind., part., & corp.
fm0280 ;Large commercial banks, demand deposits, States & subdivisions
fm0290 ;Large commercial banks, demand deposits, U.S. Government
fm0300 ;Large commercial banks, demand deposits, depos. instit. in U.S.
fm0310 ;Large commercial banks, transaction balances ex. demand deposits
fm0320 ;Large commercial banks, nontransaction balances, total
fm0330 ;Large commercial banks, nontrans. balances, ind., part., & corp.
fm0340 ;Large commercial banks, loans and leases (adjusted), total
fm0350 ;Large commercial banks, commercial & industrial loans
fm0360 ;Large commercial banks, loans for purchasing and carrying secur.
fm0370 ;Loans to nonbank depository and other financial institutions
fm0380 ;Large commercial banks, real estate loans
fm0385 ;Large commercial banks, loans to States and subdivisions
fm0390 ;Large commercial banks, other loans
fm0400 ;Large commercial banks, investments, total
fm0410 ;Large commercial banks, U.S. Treasury & Govt. agency securities
fm0420 ;Large commercial banks, investment account
fm0430 ;Large commercial banks, investments, other securities
fm0440 ;Total loans and securities at all commercial banks
fm0450 ;U.S. Government securities at all commercial banks
fm0460 ;Other securities at all commercial banks
fm0470 ;Total loans and leases at all commercial banks
fm0475 ;Prime rate charged by banks on short-term business loans
fm0480 ;Discount rate (N.Y. Federal Reserve Bank)
fm0490 ;Interest rates charged on Federal intermediate credit bank loans
fm0500 ;Conventional home mortgages--contract int. rate, new home purch.
fm0510 ;Conventional home mortgages--contract interest rate, existing
fm0520 ;Open market rates, NYC, bankers acceptances (top rated), 3-month
fm0530 ;Open market rates, NYC, commercial paper, 6-month
fm0540 ;Open market rates, NYC, finance paper placed directly, 6-month
fm0550 ;Yield on U.S. Gov. securities, 3-month bills--rate on new issues
fm0750 ;Consumer installment credit, total outstanding
fm0760 ;Consumer installment credit outstanding, commercial banks
fm0770 ;Consumer installment credit outstanding, finance companies
fm0780 ;Consumer installment credit outstanding, credit unions
fm0790 ;Consumer installment credit outstanding, retailers
fm0795 ;Consumer installment credit outstanding, savings institutions
fm0796 ;Consumer installment credit outstanding, gasoline companies
fm0798 ;Consumer installment credit outst., pools of securitized assets
fm0800 ;Consumer installment credit outstanding, automobile paper
fm0810 ;Consumer installment credit outstanding, revolving
fm0820 ;Consumer installment credit outstanding, mobile home
fm0821 ;Consumer installment credit outstanding, other
fm0822 ;Consumer installment credit, total outstanding
fm0834 ;Consumer installment credit, automobile
fm0836 ;Consumer installment credit outstanding, revolving
fm0838 ;Consumer installment credit outstanding, mobile home
fm0839 ;Consumer installment credit outstanding, other
fm0840 ;Consumer installment credit, total net change during period
fm0852 ;Consumer installment credit, net change during period, auto
fm0854 ;Consumer installment credit, net change during period, revolving
fm0856 ;Consumer installment credit, net change during period, mob. home
fm0858 ;Consumer installment credit, net change, during period, other
fm0930 ;Federal Government finance, receipts (net)
fm0940 ;Federal Government finance, outlays (net)
fm0950 ;Federal Government finance, budget deficit/surplus
fm0960 ;Federal Government finance, budget financing, total
fm0970 ;Fed. Gov. finance, budget financing, borrowing from the public
fm0980 ;Fed. Gov. finance, budget financing, reduction in cash balances
fm0990 ;Fed. Gov. finance, gross amount of debt outstanding, total
fm1000 ;Fed. Gov. fin., gross amount of debt outst., held by the public
fm1010 ;Federal Government finance, receipts (net), total
fm1020 ;Fed. Gov. finance, receipts, individual income taxes (net)
fm1030 ;Fed. Gov. finance, receipts, corporation income taxes (net)
fm1040 ;Fed. Gov. fin., receipts, social insur. taxes and contrib. (net)
fm1050 ;Federal Government finance, other receipts (net)
fm1060 ;Federal Government finance, outlays (net), total
fm1070 ;Federal Government finance, outlays (net), Agriculture Depart.
fm1075 ;Fed. Gov. finance, outlays (net), Defense Depart., military
fm1080 ;Federal Government finance, outlays (net), HHS
fm1090 ;Federal Government finance, outlays (net), Treasury Department
fm1100 ;Federal Government finance, outlays (net), NASA
fm1110 ;Federal Government finance, outlays (net), Veterans Affairs
fm1250 ;U.S. monetary gold stock
fm1260 ;Gold price, Handy & Harman
fm1330 ;Silver price, Handy & Harman
fm1350 ;Currency in circulation (end of period)
fm1363 ;Money stock measure, M1
fm1365 ;Money stock measure, M2
fm1367 ;Money stock measure, M3
fm1369 ;Money stock measure, L
fm1370 ;Money stock component, currency
fm1372 ;Money stock component, demand deposits
fm1375 ;Money stock component, other checkable deposits
fm1378 ;Money stock component, overnight RP's and Eurodollars
fm1382 ;General purpose and broker/dealer money market funds
fm1383 ;Money stock component, money market deposit accounts (not
fm1385 ;Money stock component, savings deposits
fm1388 ;Money stock component, small time deposits
fm1392 ;Money stock component, large time deposits
fm1398 ;Money stock measure, M1
fm1402 ;Money stock measure, M2
fm1405 ;Money stock measure, M3
fm1408 ;Money stock measure, L
fm1420 ;Money stock component, currency
fm1423 ;Money stock component, demand deposits
fm1425 ;Money stock component, other checkable deposits
fm1427 ;Money stock component, savings deposits
fm1433 ;Money stock component, small time deposits
fm1437 ;Money stock component, large time deposits
fm1450 ;Net profit after taxes, all manufacturing industries
fm1460 ;Net profit after taxes, food and kindred products
fm1470 ;Net profit after taxes, textile mill products
fm1480 ;Net profit after taxes, paper and allied products
fm1490 ;Net profit after taxes, chemicals and allied products
fm1500 ;Net profit after taxes, petroleum and coal products
fm1510 ;Net profit after taxes, stone, clay, and glass products
fm1520 ;Net profit after taxes, primary nonferrous metals
fm1530 ;Net profit after taxes, primary iron and steel
fm1540 ;Net profit after taxes, fabricated metal products
fm1550 ;Net profit after taxes, machinery
fm1560 ;Net profit after taxes, electrical and electronic equipment
fm1570 ;Net profit after taxes, transportation equipment ex. mot. veh.
fm1580 ;Net profit after taxes, motor vehicles and equipment
fm1590 ;Net profit after taxes, all other manufacturing industries
fm1600 ;Cash dividends paid in current quarter, all manufacturing
fm1610 ;New security issues, corp. & noncorp. (estimated gross proceeds)
fm1620 ;New security issues, corp. bonds and notes (est. gross proceeds)
fm1630 ;New security issues, common stock (estimated gross proceeds)
fm1640 ;New security issues, preferred stock (estimated gross proceeds)
fm1650 ;New security issues, total corporate (estimated gross proceeds)
fm1660 ;New security issues, manufacturing (estimated gross proceeds)
fm1670 ;New security issues, extractive, estimated gross proceeds
fm1680 ;New security issues, public utility (estimated gross proceeds)
fm1690 ;New security issues, transportation (estimated gross proceeds)
fm1700 ;New security issues, communication (estimated gross proceeds)
fm1710 ;New security issues, f.i.r.e. (estimated gross proceeds)
fm1720 ;State and municipal securities issued, long-term (Bond Buyer)
fm1730 ;State and municipal securities issued, short-term (Bond Buyer)
fm1750 ;Stock market customer financing, margin credit at broker-dealers
fm1770 ;Stock market customer financing, margin-account
fm1780 ;Stock market customer financing, cash-account
fm1800 ;Standard & Poor's domestic municipal bond price (15 bonds)
fm1860 ;Bond sales on the NYSE, ex. of some stopped sales, face value
fm1870 ;Moody's domestic corporate bond yield average
fm1880 ;Moody's domestic Aaa corporate bond yield average
fm1890 ;Moody's domestic Aa corporate bond yield average
fm1900 ;Moody's domestic A corporate bond yield average
fm1910 ;Moody's domestic Baa corporate bond yield average
fm1920 ;Moody's domestic corporate industrial bond yield average
fm1930 ;Moody's domestic corporate public utility bond yield average
fm1940 ;Moody's domestic corporate railroad bond yield average
fm1950 ;Domestic municipal bond yields (Bond Buyer), 20 bonds
fm1960 ;Standard & Poor's municipal bond yield (15 bonds)
fm1970 ;U.S. Treasury bond yield (long-term)
fm1980 ;Dow Jones composite average (65 stocks)
fm1990 ;Dow Jones industrial average (30 stocks)
fm2000 ;Dow Jones utility average (15 stocks)
fm2010 ;Dow Jones transportation average (20 stocks)
fm2020 ;Standard & Poor's composite price index (500 stocks)
fm2030 ;Standard & Poor's industrial price index (400 stocks)
fm2040 ;Standard & Poor's capital goods stock price index
fm2050 ;Standard & Poor's consumer goods stock price index
fm2060 ;Standard & Poor's utilities price index (40 stocks)
fm2070 ;Standard & Poor's transportation price index (20 stocks)
fm2080 ;Standard & Poor's railroad stock price index
fm2090 ;Standard & Poor's financial price index (40 stocks)
fm2100 ;Standard & Poor's New York City banks stock price index
fm2110 ;Standard & Poor's banks outside NYC stock price index
fm2120 ;Property-Casualty Insurance stock price index
fm2130 ;N.Y. Stock Exchange common stock closing indexes, composite
fm2140 ;N.Y. Stock Exchange common stock closing indexes, industrial
fm2150 ;N.Y. Stock Exchange common stock closing indexes, transportation
fm2160 ;N.Y. Stock Exchange common stock closing indexes, utility
fm2170 ;N.Y. Stock Exchange common stock closing indexes, finance
fm2161 ;NASDAQ composite price index
fm2162 ;NASDAQ industrial price index
fm2163 ;NASDAQ insurance price index
fm2164 ;NASDAQ bank price index
fm2165 ;NASDAQ/NMS composite price index
fm2166 ;NASDAQ/NMS industrial price index
fm2173 ;Standard & Poor's stock price yield, 500 composite
fm2174 ;Standard & Poor's stock price yield, 400 industrials
fm2175 ;Standard & Poor's stock price yield, 40 utilities
fm2176 ;Standard & Poor's stock price yield, 20 transportation
fm2177 ;Standard & Poor's stock price yield, 40 financial
fm2178 ;Standard & Poor's preferred stock yield, 10 high-grade
fm2180 ;Market value of total stock sales on all registered exchanges
fm2190 ;Total stock shares sold on all registered exchanges (SEC)
fm2200 ;Market value of stock sales on N.Y. Stock Exchange (SEC)
fm2210 ;Stock shares sold on N.Y. Stock Exchange (SEC)
fm2220 ;Stock sales, exclusive of odd lot and stopped sales
fm2222 ;NASDAQ market value of shares traded
fm2224 ;NASDAQ number of shares sold
fm2230 ;Market value of all shares listed on N.Y. Stock Exchange
fm2240 ;Number of shares listed on N.Y. Stock Exchange
im0010 ;Total U.S. exports of merchandise (incl. reexports)
im0030 ;Total U.S. exports of merchandise (incl. reexports), seas. adj.
im0041 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Western Europe
im0051 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to the EC
im0061 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Belgium and Luxembourg
im0200 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to France
im0220 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Federal Republic of Germany
im0230 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Italy
im0235 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to the Netherlands
im0250 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to United Kingdom
im0245 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Eastern Europe
im0240 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to the Former Soviet Union
im0260 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Canada
im0300 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Brazil
im0330 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Mexico
im0340 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Venezuela
im0181 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to China
im0182 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Hong Kong
im0190 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Japan
im0183 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to the Republic of Korea
im0184 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Saudi Arabia
im0185 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Singapore
im0186 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Taiwan
im0115 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Nigeria
im0120 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Republic of South Africa
im0342 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to Australia
im0346 ;U.S. exports of merchandise to OPEC
im0350 ;Total exports of U.S. merchandise
im0370 ;U.S. exports of total agricultural products
im0380 ;U.S. exports of total nonagricultural products
im0390 ;U.S. exports of food and live animals
im0420 ;U.S. exports of beverages and tobacco
im0430 ;U.S. exports of crude materials, except fuels--inedible
im0470 ;U.S. exports of mineral fuels, lubricants, and related material
im0500 ;U.S. exports of oils and fats--animal and vegetable
im0510 ;U.S. exports of chemicals and related products
im0520 ;U.S. exports of manufactured goods classified by material
im0525 ;U.S. exports of miscellaneous manufactured articles
im0560 ;U.S. exports of total machinery and transport equipment
im0630 ;U.S. exports of motor vehicles and parts
im0660 ;Total U.S. general imports of merchandise
im0670 ;Total U.S. general imports of merchandise, s.a.
im0681 ;U.S. general imports from Western Europe
im0691 ;U.S. general imports from the EC
im0701 ;U.S. general imports from Belgium and Luxembourg
im0840 ;U.S. general imports from France
im0860 ;U.S. general imports from Federal Republic of Germany
im0870 ;U.S. general imports from Italy
im0875 ;U.S. general imports from the Netherlands
im0890 ;U.S. general imports from United Kingdom
im0885 ;U.S. general imports from Eastern Europe
im0880 ;U.S. general imports from the Former Soviet Union
im0900 ;U.S. general imports from Canada
im0930 ;U.S. general imports from Brazil
im0960 ;U.S. general imports from Mexico
im0970 ;U.S. general imports from Venezuela
im0821 ;U.S. general imports from China
im0822 ;U.S. general imports from Hong Kong
im0830 ;U.S. general imports from Japan
im0823 ;U.S. general imports from the Republic of Korea
im0824 ;U.S. general imports from Saudi Arabia
im0825 ;U.S. general imports from Singapore
im0826 ;U.S. general imports from Taiwan
im0755 ;U.S. general imports from Nigeria
im0760 ;U.S. general imports from Republic of South Africa
im0972 ;U.S. general imports from Australia
im0976 ;U.S. general imports from OPEC
im1121 ;U.S. general imports of petroleum and products
im1122 ;U.S. general imports of nonpetroleum products
im1000 ;U.S. general imports of food and live animals
im1050 ;U.S. general imports of beverages and tobacco
im1060 ;U.S. general imports of crude materials, except fuels--inedible
im1110 ;U.S. general imports of mineral fuels, lubricants, etc.
im1130 ;U.S. general imports of oils and fats--animal and vegetable
im1140 ;U.S. general imports of chemicals and related products
im1150 ;Imports of manufactured goods classified by material
im1155 ;U.S. general imports of miscellaneous manufactured goods
im1200 ;U.S. general imports of machinery and transport equipment
im1250 ;U.S. general imports of motor vehicles and parts
im1261 ;Merchandise trade balance, not seas. adj.
im1263 ;Merchandise trade balance, seas. adj.
im1265 ;Merchandise trade balance, constant 1987 dollars, seas. adj.
im1267 ;Exports, constant 1987 dollars, seas. adj.
im1269 ;Imports, constant 1987 dollars, seas. adj.
im1285 ;Export price index, all exports
im1295 ;Export price index, agricultural exports
im1305 ;Export price index, nonagricultural exports
im1315 ;Import price index, all imports
im1325 ;Import price index, petroleum imports
im1335 ;Import price index, nonpetroleum imports
im1340 ;Shipping weight of U.S. waterborne exports (incl. reexports)
im1350 ;Value of U.S. waterborne exports (incl. reexports)
im1360 ;Shipping weight of U.S. waterborne general imports
im1370 ;Value of U.S. waterborne general imports
nm0010 ;Air Carriers (Certificated), Passenger-miles revenue
nm0020 ;Air carriers (certificated), passenger-load factor
nm0030 ;Air carriers (certificated), total ton-miles
nq0040 ;Air carriers (certificated), operating revenues
nq0050 ;Air carriers (certificated), operating revenues-passenger
nq0060 ;Air carriers (certificated), operating revenues-cargo
nq0070 ;Air carriers (certificated), operating revenues-mail
nq0080 ;Air carriers (certificated), operating expenses
nq0090 ;Air carriers (certificated), net income after taxes
nm0100 ;Air carriers (domestic), passenger-miles revenue
nm0110 ;Air carriers (domestic), cargo ton-miles
nm0120 ;Air carriers (domestic), mail ton-miles
nq0130 ;Air carriers (domestic), operating revenues
nq0140 ;Air carriers (domestic), operating expenses
nq0150 ;Air carriers (domestic), net income after taxes
nm0160 ;Air carriers (international), passenger-miles revenue
nm0170 ;Air carriers (international), cargo ton-miles
nm0180 ;Air carriers (international), mail ton-miles
nq0190 ;Air carriers (international), operating revenues
nq0200 ;Air carriers (international), operating expenses
nq0210 ;Air carriers (international), net income after taxes
nm0220 ;Transit passengers carried, total
nq0230 ;Motor carriers of property, large class I
nq0240 ;Motor carriers of property, total operating revenues
nq0250 ;Motor carriers of property, net income
nq0260 ;Motor carriers of property, tonnage hauled
nm0280 ;Motor freight carried, common carriers of general freight
nq0290 ;Class I railroads (excl. Amtrak), total operating revenues
nq0300 ;Class I railroads (excl. Amtrak), operating revenues-freight
nq0310 ;Class I railroads (excl. Amtrak), operating revenues-passenger
nq0320 ;Class I railroads, operating expenses
nq0340 ;Class I railroads, net operating income
nq0350 ;Class I railroads, ordinary income
nq0370 ;Class I railroads, revenue ton-miles
nm0380 ;Price index for railroad freight
nm0390 ;Lodging industry - restaurant sales index
nm0400 ;Hotels, average room sale
nm0410 ;Hotels, rooms occupied
nm0420 ;Motor hotels, average room sale
nm0430 ;Motor hotels, rooms occupied
nm0431 ;Economy hotels, average room sale
nm0432 ;Economy hotels, room occupied
nm0440 ;Foreign travel, U.S. citizens-arrivals
nm0450 ;Foreign travel, U.S. citizens-departures
nm0460 ;Foreign travel, aliens-arrivals
nm0470 ;Foreign travel, aliens-departures
nm0480 ;Foreign travel, passports issued
nm0490 ;National parks, recreation visits
nm0500 ;Telephone carriers, operating revenues
nm0510 ;Telephone carriers, operating revenues-station
nm0520 ;Telephone carriers, operating revenues-message tolls
nm0530 ;Telephone carriers, operating expenses-excl. Taxes
nm0540 ;Telephone carriers, net operating income after taxes
nm0550 ;Telephone access lines
am0010 ;Aluminum sulfate, commercial, production
am0020 ;Chlorine gas, production
am0030 ;Hydrochloric acid, production
am0040 ;Phosphorus, elemental, production
am0060 ;Sodium hydroxide, production
am0070 ;Sodium silicate, anhydrous, production
am0080 ;Sodium sulfate, anhydrous, production
am0090 ;Sodium tripolyphosphate, production
am0100 ;Titanium dioxide (composite and pure), production
am0110 ;Sulfur, native (frasch) and recovered, production
am0120 ;Sulfur, native (frasch) and recovered, stocks (E.O.P.)
am0130 ;Ammonia, synthetic anhydrous, production
am0140 ;Ammonium nitrate, original solution, production
am0150 ;Ammonium sulfate, production
am0160 ;Nitric acid, production
am0170 ;Nitrogen solutions, production
am0180 ;Phosphoric acid, production
am0190 ;Sulfuric acid, production
am0200 ;Superphosphate and other phosphatic fertilizers, production
am0210 ;Superphosphate & other phosphatic fertilizers, stocks
am0220 ;Potash, sales
am0270 ;Ammonium nitrate, imports
am0280 ;Ammonium sulfate, imports
am0290 ;Potassium chloride, imports
am0300 ;Sodium Nitrate, imports
am0310 ;Acetylene, production
am0330 ;Hydrogen (high and low purity), production
am0340 ;Nitrogen (high and low purity), production
am0350 ;Oxygen (high and low purity), production
am0360 ;Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), production
am0380 ;Ethyl acetate, production
am0390 ;Formaldehyde, production
am0400 ;Glycerin, refined, all grades, production
am0410 ;Methanol, synthetic, production
am0420 ;Phthalic anhydride, production
am0430 ;Ethyl alcohol and spirits, production
am0460 ;Ethyl alcohol and spirits, stocks (E.O.P.)
am0470 ;Denatured alcohol, production
am0480 ;Denatured alcohol, consumption (withdrawals)
am0485 ;Denatured alcohol, consumption (withdrawals), for fuel use
am0490 ;Denatured alcohol, stocks (E.O.P.)
am0500 ;Phenolic resins, production
am0510 ;Polyethylene and copolymers, production
am0520 ;Polypropylene, production
am0530 ;Polystyrene and copolymers, production
am0540 ;Polyvinyl chloride and copolymers, production
am0560 ;Paints, varnish, and lacquer, shipments, total
am0565 ;Paints, varnish, & lacquer, architectural coatings, shpmnts.
am0575 ;Paints, varnish, & lacquer, product finishes (OEM), shpmnts.
am0585 ;Paints, varnish, & lacquer, spec. purpose coatings, shpmnts
um0010 ;Electric power, production by utilities, total
um0020 ;Electric power, production by fuels, total
um0030 ;Electric power, production by waterpower, total
um0040 ;Electric power sales to ultimate customers, total
um0050 ;Electric power sales, commercial
um0060 ;Electric power sales, industrial
um0070 ;Electric power sales, railways and railroads
um0080 ;Electric power sales, residential or domestic
um0090 ;Electric power sales, street and highway lighting
um0100 ;Electric power sales, other public authorities
um0110 ;Electric power sales, interdepartmental
um0120 ;Electric power revenue from sales to ultimate customers
uq0130 ;Utility gas customers, total, qrtly.
uq0140 ;Utility gas customers, residential, quarterly (E.O.P.)
uq0150 ;Utility gas customers, commercial, quarterly (E.O.P.)
uq0160 ;Utility gas customers, industrial, quarterly (E.O.P.)
uq0170 ;Utility gas customers, other, quarterly (E.O.P.)
uq0180 ;Utility gas sales to customers, total, qrtly.
uq0190 ;Utility gas sales to customers, residential, qtrly.
uq0200 ;Utility gas sales to customers, commercial, qtrly.
uq0210 ;Utility gas sales to customers, industrial, qrtly.
uq0215 ;Utility gas sales to customers, electric generation, qrtly.
uq0220 ;Utility gas sales to customers, other, quarterly
uq0230 ;Utility gas revenue from sales to customers, total, qrtly.
uq0240 ;Utility gas revenue from sales residential
uq0250 ;Utility gas revenue from sales, commercial
uq0260 ;Utility gas revenue from sales, industrial
uq0265 ;Utility gas revenue from sales elec. generation
uq0270 ;Utility gas revenue from sales, other
km0010 ;Beer, production
km0020 ;Beer, taxable withdrawals
km0030 ;Beer, stocks (E.O.P.)
km0040 ;Distilled spirits, production
km0050 ;Distilled spirits, apparent consumption (beverage purposes)
km0070 ;Distilled spirits, stocks (E.O.P.)
km0080 ;Distilled spirits, imports
km0090 ;Whisky, production
km0110 ;Whisky, stocks (E.O.P.)
km0120 ;Whisky, imports
km0150 ;Effervescent wines, production
km0160 ;Effervescent wines, taxable withdrawals
km0170 ;Effervescent wines, stocks (E.O.P.)
km0180 ;Effervescent wines, imports
km0190 ;Still wines, production
km0200 ;Still wines, taxable withdrawals
km0210 ;Still wines, stocks (E.O.P.)
km0220 ;Still wines, imports
km0230 ;Distilling materials produced at wineries
km0240 ;Butter, factory production
km0250 ;Butter, stocks, cold storage (E.O.P.)
km0260 ;Butter, Producer Price Index
km0270 ;Cheese, factory production, total
km0280 ;Cheese, factory production, American, whole milk
km0290 ;Cheese, stocks, cold storage, total (E.O.P.)
km0300 ;Cheese, stocks, cold storage, American, whole milk (E.O.P.)
km0310 ;Cheese, imports
km0320 ;Cheese, cheddar, single daisies, wholesale price (Chicago)
km0330 ;Condensed and evaporated milk, production, case goods
km0340 ;Condensed and evaporated milk, stocks, case goods (E.O.P.)
km0350 ;Condensed and evaporated milk, exports
km0370 ;Fluid milk, production on farms
km0380 ;Fluid milk, utilization in manufactured dairy products
km0390 ;Fluid milk, wholesale price (all grades), U.S. average
km0400 ;Whole dry milk, production
km0410 ;Nonfat dry milk (human food), production
km0420 ;Whole dry milk, stocks, manufacturers' (E.O.P.)
km0430 ;Nonfat dry milk (human food), stocks, manufacturers' (E.O.P.)
km0440 ;Whole and nonfat dry milk (human food), exports
km0460 ;Nonfat dry milk (human food ), mfgrers.' aver. selling price
km0470 ;Grain and grain products, exports, total
km0480 ;Barley, crop production estimate
km0490 ;Barley, total stocks (domestic)
km0500 ;Barley, stocks on farms
km0510 ;Barley, stocks off farms
km0520 ;Barley, exports (incl. malt)
km0530 ;Barley, No. 2 feed, (Minneapolis), Producer Price Index
km0550 ;Corn, crop production estimate (grain only)
km0560 ;Corn, total stocks (domestic)
km0570 ;Corn, stocks on farms
km0580 ;Corn, stocks off farms
km0590 ;Corn, exports (incl. meal and flour)
km0600 ;Corn, No. 2 (Chicago), Producer Price Index
km0610 ;Oats, crop production estimate
km0620 ;Oats, total stocks (domestic)
km0630 ;Oats, stocks on farms
km0640 ;Oats, stocks off farms
km0650 ;Oats, exports (incl. oatmeal)
km0660 ;Oats, No. 2 (Minneapolis), Producer Price Index
km0670 ;Rice, crop production estimate
km0710 ;Rice, receipts, rough from producers (Southern States)
km0720 ;Rice, shipments from Southern States mills, milled rice
km0730 ;Rice, stocks, rough & cleaned, domestic (Southern States)
km0740 ;Rice, exports
km0750 ;Rice, medium grain, milled, Producer Price Index
km0760 ;Rye, crop production estimate
km0780 ;Rye, No. 2 (Minneapolis), Producer Price Index
km0790 ;Wheat, total crop production estimate
km0800 ;Wheat, spring wheat, crop production estimate
km0810 ;Wheat, winter wheat, crop production estimate
km0820 ;Wheat, distribution, quarterly
km0830 ;Wheat, total stocks (domestic)
km0840 ;Wheat, stocks on farms
km0850 ;Wheat, stocks off farms
km0860 ;Wheat, exports (incl. flour), total
km0870 ;Wheat, exports (wheat only)
km0880 ;Wheat, winter ORD, No. 1, Kansas City, PPI
km0890 ;Wheat, spring, No. 1, D.N. ORD, (Minneapolis), PPI
km0910 ;Wheat flour, production
km0920 ;Wheat flour (millfeed), production
km0930 ;Grindings of wheat for flour
km0940 ;Wheat flour, stocks held by mills
km0950 ;Wheat flour, exports
km0960 ;Wheat flour, Producer Price Index
km0980 ;Poultry slaughter
km0990 ;Poultry, total stocks, cold storage (frozen)
km1000 ;Turkeys, stocks, cold storage (frozen)
km1010 ;Poultry (live broilers), price in Georgia producing area
km1020 ;Eggs, production on farms
km1030 ;Eggs (shell), stocks, cold storage
km1040 ;Eggs (frozen), stocks, cold storage
km1050 ;Eggs, large (delivered; Chicago), wholesale price
km1060 ;Calves, slaughter (federally inspected)
km1070 ;Cattle, slaughter (federally inspected)
km1080 ;Beef steers (Omaha), wholesale price
km1090 ;Steers, stocker and feeder (Kansas City), wholesale price
km1100 ;Calves, vealers (South St. Paul), wholesale price
km1110 ;Hogs, slaughter (federally inspected)
km1120 ;Hogs (Sioux City), average all weights, wholesale price
km1130 ;Hog-corn price ratio
km1140 ;Sheep and lambs, slaughter (federally inspected)
km1150 ;Lambs (San Angelo, Texas), average wholesale price
km1160 ;Meats (excl. Lard), production
km1170 ;Meats (excl. Lard), stocks, cold storage
km1180 ;Meats (excl. Lard), exports (meat and meat preparations)
km1190 ;Meats (excl. Lard), imports (meat and meat preparations)
km1200 ;Beef and veal, production
km1210 ;Beef and veal, stocks, cold storage
km1220 ;Beef and veal, exports
km1230 ;Beef and veal, imports
km1240 ;Beef, steer carcasses, choice, whlesale price (Central U.S.)
km1250 ;Lamb and mutton, production
km1260 ;Lamb and mutton, stocks, cold storage
km1270 ;Pork (excl. Lard), production
km1280 ;Pork (excl. Lard), stocks, cold storage
km1290 ;Pork (excl. Lard), exports
km1300 ;Pork (excl. Lard), imports
km1310 ;Hams and picnics, except canned, Producer Price Index
km1320 ;Pork loins, 8-14 lb. average (Omaha), wholesale price
km1330 ;Cocoa (cacao) beans, imports (incl. shells)
km1370 ;Coffee (green), imports, total
km1380 ;Coffee (green), imports from Brazil
km1391 ;Coffee and coffee substitutes, U.S. Import Price Index
km1410 ;Fish, stocks, cold storage
km1460 ;Sugar (U.S.), exports, raw and refined
km1470 ;Sugar (U.S.), imports, raw and refined
km1500 ;Sugar, raw (cane), Producer Price Index
km1520 ;Sugar, refined, Producer Price Index
km1530 ;Tea, imports
km1870 ;Tobacco, leaf, crop production estimate
km1880 ;Tobacco, leaf, stocks (dealers' and manufacturers')
km1890 ;Tobacco, leaf, exports (incl. scrap and stems)
km1900 ;Tobacco, leaf, imports (incl. scrap and stems)
km1910 ;Cigarettes (small), tax-exempt withdrawals
km1920 ;Cigarettes (small), taxable withdrawals
km1930 ;Cigars (large), taxable withdrawals
km1940 ;Cigarettes, exports
lm0090 ;U.S. exports of upper and lining leather
lm0100 ;Producer price index, leather
lm0110 ;Total footwear production
lm0120 ;Footwear prod., shoes, sandals, and play shoes, ex. athletic
lm0130 ;Footwear production, slippers
lm0140 ;Footwear production, athletic shoes
lm0150 ;Footwear production, other footwear
lm0160 ;U.S. Exports of shoes and slippers
lm0170 ;PPI, men's leather upper, dress and casual shoes
lm0180 ;Producer price index, women's leather upper footwear
lm0190 ;Producer price index, women's plastic upper footwear
wm0010 ;Lumber, production total
wm0020 ;Lumber, production, hardwoods
wm0030 ;Lumber, production, softwoods
wm0040 ;Lumber, shipments, total
wm0050 ;Lumber, shipments, hardwoods
wm0060 ;Lumber, shipments, softwoods
wm0070 ;Lumber, stocks (gross), mill, total
wm0080 ;Lumber, stocks, hardwoods
wm0085 ;Lumber, stocks, softwoods
wm0090 ;Lumber, exports, total sawmill
wm0100 ;Lumber, imports, total sawmill
wm0110 ;Lumber, softwoods, douglas fir, new orders
wm0120 ;Lumber, softwoods, dougls fir, unfilled orders,
wm0130 ;Lumber, softwoods, douglas fir, production
wm0140 ;Lumber, softwoods, douglas fir, shipments
wm0150 ;Lumber, softwoods, douglas fir, stocks,
wm0160 ;Lumber, softwoods, douglas fir, exports, total sawmill
wm0170 ;Lumber, softwoods, douglas fir, exports, sawed timber
wm0180 ;Lumber, softwoods, douglas fir, exports, boards, planks, etc.
wm0190 ;Lumber, douglas fir, other softwoods, producer price index
wm0200 ;Lumber, softwoods, southern pine, new orders
wm0210 ;Lumber, softwoods, southern pine, unfilled orders
wm0220 ;Lumber, softwoods, southern pine, production
wm0230 ;Lumber, softwoods, southern pine, shipments
wm0240 ;Lumber, softwoods, southern pine, stocks (gross), mill
wm0250 ;Lumber, softwoods, southern pine, exports total sawmill
wm0260 ;Lumber, southern pine, other softwoods, producer price index
wm0280 ;Lumber, softwoods, western pine, new orders
wm0290 ;Lumber, softwoods, western pine, unfilled orders
wm0300 ;Lumber, softwoods, western pine, production
wm0305 ;Lumber, softwoods, western pine, shipments
wm0310 ;Lumber, softwoods, western pine, stocks (gross), mill
wm0320 ;Lumber, western pine, other softwoods, producer price index
wm0340 ;Hardwood flooring, oak, unfilled orders
wm0360 ;Hardwood flooring, oak, shipments
wm0370 ;Hardwood flooring, stocks (gross), mill
mm0010 ;Iron and Steel exports, steel mill products
mm0020 ;Iron and Steel exports, scrap
mm0030 ;Iron and Steel exports, pig iron
mm0040 ;Iron and Steel imports, steel mill products
mm0050 ;Iron and Steel imports, scrap
mm0060 ;Iron and Steel imports, pig iron
mm0070 ;Iron and Steel Scrap, production
mm0080 ;Iron and Steel Scrap, net receipts
mm0090 ;Iron and Steel Scrap, consumption
mm0100 ;Iron and Steel Scrap, stocks, end of period
mm0115 ;Iron and steel scrap, composite price, No. 1 heavy melting
mm0130 ;Iron ore mine production
mm0140 ;Iron ore shipments from mines
mm0150 ;Iron ore imports
mm0160 ;Ore and ore agglomerates, receipts at iron and steel plants
mm0170 ;Ore and ore agglomerates, consumption at iron and steel plants
mm0180 ;Ore and ore agglomerates, exports (domestic)
mm0190 ;Ore and ore agglomerates, total stocks
mm0200 ;Ore and ore agglomerates, stocks at mines
mm0210 ;Ore and ore agglomerates, stocks at furnace yards
mm0220 ;Ore and ore agglomerates, stocks at U.S. docks
mm0230 ;Manganese (mn. content) general imports
mm0240 ;Pig iron production
mm0250 ;Pig iron consumption
mm0260 ;Pig iron stocks
mm0290 ;Castings, gray and ductile iron, total shipments
mm0300 ;Castings (shipments), gray & ductile iron-for sale
mm0320 ;Castings, malleable iron, total shipments
mm0330 ;Castings (shipments), malleable iron- for sale
mm0340 ;Raw steel production
mm0350 ;Raw steel, rate of capability utilization
mm0370 ;Steel Castings, total shipments
mm0380 ;Castings (shipments), steel-for sale
mm0390 ;Steel Products, net shipments, total
mm0400 ;Steel products, net shipments, semifinished products
mm0410 ;Steel products, net shipments, structural shapes (steel piling)
mm0420 ;Steel products, net shipments, plates
mm0430 ;Steel products, net shipments, rails and accessories
mm0440 ;Steel products, net shipments, bars and tool steel
mm0450 ;Steel products, bars, hot rolled
mm0460 ;Steel products, bars, reinforcing
mm0470 ;Steel products, bars, cold finished
mm0480 ;Steel products, pipe and tubing
mm0490 ;Steel products, wire and wire products
mm0500 ;Steel products, tin mill products
mm0510 ;Steel products, sheets and strip
mm0520 ;Steel products, sheets, hot rolled
mm0530 ;Steel products, sheets, cold rolled
mm0540 ;Steel products, service centers and distributors
mm0550 ;Steel products, construction, incl. maintenance
mm0560 ;Steel products, contractors' produce
mm0570 ;Steel products, automotive
mm0580 ;Steel products, rail transportion
mm0590 ;Steel products, machinery, ind. equip. tools
mm0600 ;Steel products, containers, pkg. ship. materials
mm0610 ;Steel products, other
mm0635 ;Inventories at producing steel mills, total
mm0640 ;Producing mills, steel in process, inventories
mm0650 ;Producing mills, finished steel, inventories
mm0660 ;Steel service centers, inventories
mm0700 ;Aluminum production
mm0710 ;Aluminum, recovery from scrap
mm0720 ;Aluminum (metal and alloys, crude), imports
mm0730 ;Aluminum (plates, sheets, bars, etc.), imports
mm0740 ;Aluminum (metal and alloys, crude), exports
mm0750 ;Aluminum (plates, sheets, bars, etc.), exports
mm0760 ;Aluminum price, primary ingot
mm0770 ;Aluminum Products, ingot & mill shipments
mm0780 ;Aluminum Products, total mill shipments
mm0790 ;Aluminum Products, sheet & plate shipments
mm0800 ;Aluminum Products, castings shipments
mm0810 ;Aluminum Products, total inventories
mm0820 ;Copper production, mine recoverable
mm0830 ;Copper production, refined
mm0840 ;Copper production, refined, from domestic ores
mm0855 ;Copper production, electrowon
mm0860 ;Copper production, refined from scrap
mm0870 ;Unmanufactured copper imports, refined/unrefined scrap
mm0880 ;Uunmanufactured copper imports, refined
mm0890 ;Copper exports, refined and scrap
mm0900 ;Copper exports, refined
mm0910 ;Refined copper comsumption
mm0920 ;Refined copper stocks
mm0940 ;Copper price, avg. U.S. producer cathode, delivered
mm0950 ;Copper-base mill & foundry prod., shipments, brass
mm0960 ;Copper-base mill & foundry prod., shipments, copper wire
mm0970 ;Copper-base mill & foundry prod., shipments, brass & bronze
mm0980 ;Lead production, mine recoverable
mm0990 ;Lead production, recovered from scrap
mm1000 ;Ore (lead content), imports
mm1010 ;Lead consumption, total
mm1020 ;Lead stocks, producers', ABMS
mm1030 ;Lead stocks, refiners'
mm1040 ;Lead stocks, consumers'
mm1050 ;Lead stocks, scrap
mm1060 ;Lead price, common grade, delivered
mm1070 ;Ores (tin content), imports (for consumption)
mm1080 ;Metal, tin, imports (for consumption)
mm1090 ;Tin, recovery from scrap, total
mm1100 ;Tin, recovery from scrap, metal
mm1110 ;Tin consumption, total
mm1120 ;Tin consumption, primary
mm1130 ;Tin exports (metal)
mm1140 ;Tin stocks, pig
mm1150 ;Tin price, Straits quality (delivered)
mm1160 ;Zinc, mine prod., recoverable
mm1170 ;Zinc, ores (zinc content), imports
mm1180 ;Zinc, metal (slab, blocks), imports
mm1190 ;Zinc consumption, ores
mm1200 ;Zinc consumption, scrap
mm1210 ;Slab zinc production, total
mm1230 ;Slab zinc consumption, fabricators
mm1240 ;Slab zinc exports
mm1250 ;Slab zinc, stocks, producers', ABMS
mm1260 ;Slab zinc: stocks, consumers'
mm1270 ;Zinc price, high grade
mm1280 ;Heating-combustion (atmosphere equip), new orders-domestic
mm1290 ;Electric processing heating equip.
mm1300 ;Fuel-fired processing heating equip.
mm1312 ;Materials handling equipment, dollar value bookings index
mm1350 ;Industrial supplies, machinery & equip.: new orders index
mm1360 ;Industrial suppliers distribution: sales index
mm1370 ;Inflation index (material handling equip, tools, valves, etc.)
mm1373 ;Fluid power shipments - hydraulic index
mm1377 ;Fluid power shipments - pneumatic index
mm1380 ;Machine tools (metal cutting), net new orders, total
mm1390 ;Machine tools (metal cutting), domestic-net new orders
mm1400 ;Machine tools (metal-cutting), shipments, total
mm1410 ;Machine tools (metal cutting), domestic-shipments
mm1420 ;Machine tools (metal cutting), order backlog
mm1430 ;Machine tools (metal-forming), net new orders, total
mm1440 ;Machine tools (metal forming), domestic-orders
mm1450 ;Machine tools (metal-forming), shipments, total
mm1460 ;Machine tools (metal forming), domestic-shipments
mm1470 ;Machine tools (metal forming), order backlog
mm1480 ;Tractors (tracklaying-used in construction), shipments
mm1490 ;Tractors (tracklaying-used in construction), shipments
mm1500 ;Tractors (wheel-contractors-off highway), shipments
mm1510 ;Tractors (wheel-contractors-off highway), shipments
mm1521 ;Tractors (shovel loaders-wheel & track laying types), shipments
mm1531 ;Tractors ( shovel loaders-wheel & track laying types), shipments
mm1560 ;Batteries (auto-type replacement), shipments
mm1570 ;Radio sets, production, total market
mm1580 ;Television sets (incl. combination models), production, total
mm1590 ;Household appliances (electrical), total factory shipments
mm1600 ;Air conditioners (room)
mm1610 ;Dishwashers
mm1620 ;Disposers (food waste)
mm1625 ;Microwave ovens
mm1630 ;Ranges
mm1640 ;Refrigerators
mm1650 ;Freezers
mm1660 ;Washers
mm1670 ;Dryers (incl. gas)
mm1680 ;Vacuum cleaners (qtrly.)
mm1690 ;Gas furnaces, shipments
mm1700 ;Gas ranges, sales
mm1710 ;Gas water heaters, sales
om0010 ;Anthracite coal, production
om0020 ;Anthracite coal, exports
om0030 ;Anthracite coal, Producer Price Index
om0040 ;Bituminous coal, production
om0050 ;Bituminous coal, consumption, total
om0060 ;Bituminous coal, consumption, electric power utilities
om0070 ;Bituminous coal, consumption, industrial, total
om0080 ;Bituminous coal, consumption, industrial, coke plants
om0090 ;Bituminous coal, consumption, residential and commercial
om0100 ;Bituminous coal, stocks, total
om0110 ;Bituminous coal, stocks, electric power utilities
om0120 ;Bituminous coal, stocks, industrial, total
om0130 ;Bituminous coal, stocks, industrial, oven-coke plants
om0150 ;Bituminous coal, exports
om0160 ;Bituminous coal, Producer Price Index
om0180 ;Beehive and oven coke (byproduct), production
om0190 ;Petroleum coke, production
om0200 ;Coke, oven-coke plants, stocks, total
om0210 ;Coke, oven-coke plants, stocks at furnace plants
om0220 ;Coke, oven-coke plants, stocks at merchant plants
om0230 ;Petroleum coke, stocks
om0240 ;Coke, exports
om0260 ;Crude petroleum, Producer Price Index
om0270 ;Gross input to crude oil distillation units
om0280 ;Refinery operating ratio, crude petroleum
om0290 ;All oils, new supply, total
om0300 ;Crude petroleum, production
om0310 ;Natural gas plant liquids, production
om0320 ;Crude petroleum and unfinished oils, imports
om0330 ;Refined products, imports
om0340 ;Change in stocks, all oils (decrease, -)
om0350 ;Product demand, total
om0360 ;Crude petroleum, exports
om0370 ;Refined products, exports
om0380 ;Domestic product demand, total
om0390 ;Gasoline, domestic demand
om0400 ;Kerosene, domestic demand
om0410 ;Distillate fuel oil, domestic demand
om0420 ;Residual fuel oil, domestic demand
om0430 ;Jet fuel, domestic demand
om0440 ;Lubricants, domestic demand
om0450 ;Asphalt, domestic demand
om0460 ;Liquefied gases, domestic demand
om0470 ;All oils, stocks, total
om0480 ;Crude petroleum, stocks
om0485 ;Crude petroleum, strategic petroleum reserve, stocks
om0490 ;Unfinished oils, natural gasoline, etc., stocks
om0500 ;Refined products, stocks
om0510 ;Gasoline (incl. aviation), production
om0525 ;Gasoline (incl. aviation), stocks
om0530 ;Gasoline (excl. aviation), regular, Producer Price Index
om0540 ;Gasoline price, retail reg. grade (leaded), U.S. city aver.
om0545 ;Gasoline price, retail reg. grade (unleaded), U.S. city aver.
om0550 ;Aviation gasoline, production
om0570 ;Aviation gasoline, stocks
om0580 ;Kerosene, production
om0590 ;Kerosene, stocks
om0600 ;Kerosene, (light distillate), Producer Price Index
om0610 ;Distillate fuel oil, production
om0620 ;Distillate fuel oil, imports
om0640 ;Distillate fuel oil, stocks
om0650 ;Distillate fuel oil, (middle distillate), PPI
om0660 ;Residual fuel oil, production
om0670 ;Residual fuel oil, imports
om0690 ;Residual fuel oil, stocks
om0700 ;Residual fuel oil, Producer Price Index
om0710 ;Jet fuel, production
om0720 ;Jet fuel, stocks
om0730 ;Lubricants, production
om0750 ;Lubricants, stocks
om0760 ;Asphalt, production
om0770 ;Asphalt, stocks
om0780 ;Liquefied gases, production, total
om0790 ;Liquefied gases, production, at gas processing plants
om0800 ;Liquefied gases, production, at refineries
om0810 ;Liquefied gases, stocks (at plants and refineries)
pm0010 ;Pulpwood, receipts
pm0020 ;Pulpwood, consumption
pm0030 ;Pulpwood, inventories
pm0045 ;Wastepaper, consumption
pm0055 ;Wastepaper, inventories
pm0060 ;Woodpulp, production total
pm0070 ;Woodpulp, production, dissolving pulp
pm0085 ;Woodpulp, production, paper grades chemical pulp
pm0100 ;Woodpulp, production, groundwood and thermo-mechanical
pm0110 ;Woodpulp, production, semi-chemical
pm0125 ;Woodpulp, inventories, own use woodpulp at pulp mills
pm0135 ;Woodpulp, inventories, market pulp
pm0145 ;Woodpulp, market pulp at paper & board mills
pm0160 ;Woodpulp, exports all grades, total
pm0170 ;Woodpulp, exports, dissolving & special alpha
pm0180 ;Woodpulp, exports, all other
pm0190 ;Woodpulp, imports all grades, total
pm0200 ;Woodpulp, imports, dissolving & special alpha
pm0210 ;Woodpulp, imports, all other
pm0225 ;Paper and board production, total
pm0230 ;Paper, total
pm0240 ;Paperboard, total
pm0270 ;Producer price index, total paperboard
pm0280 ;Producer price index, building paper and board
pm0290 ;Groundwood paper uncoated, new orders
pm0300 ;Groundwood paper uncoated, unfilled orders
pm0310 ;Groundwood paper uncoated, shipments
pm0320 ;Coated paper, new orders
pm0330 ;Coated paper, unfilled orders
pm0340 ;Coated paper, shipments
pm0350 ;Uncoated free sheet papers, new orders
pm0360 ;Uncoated free sheet papers, shipments
pm0370 ;Unbleached kraft papers, shipments
pm0380 ;Tissue paper, production, total
pm0390 ;Newsprint, Canada, production
pm0400 ;Newsprint, Canada, shipment from mills
pm0410 ;Newsprint, Canada, stocks at mills
pm0420 ;Newsprint, United States, production
pm0430 ;Newsprint, United States, shipments from mills
pm0440 ;Newsprint, United States, stocks at mills
pm0450 ;Newsprint , United States, consumption by publishers
pm0460 ;Newsprint US, stocks at and in transit to publishers
pm0470 ;Newsprint US, imports
pm0480 ;Newsprint, producer price index, f.o.b. mill
pm0520 ;Paper products, shipping containers
rm0010 ;Rubber, natural consumption
rm0020 ;Rubber, natural, stocks
rm0030 ;Rubber, natural, imports, including latex and guayule
rm0041 ;U.S. Import Price Index, 1985=100
rm0050 ;Rubber, synthetic, production
rm0060 ;Rubber, synthetic, consumption
rm0070 ;Rubber, synthetic, stocks
rm0080 ;Rubber, synthetic, exports
rm0120 ;Pneumatic casings, production
rm0130 ;Pneumatic casings, total shipments
rm0140 ;Pneumatic casings, original equipment
rm0150 ;Pneumatic casings, replacement equipment
rm0160 ;Pneumatic casings, exports
rm0170 ;Pneumatic casings, stocks
rm0180 ;Pneumatic casings, exports (Bur. of Census)
rm0220 ;Inner tubes, exports
sm0010 ;Portland (finished) cement, shipments
sm0020 ;Brick, unglazed (common and face), shipments
sm0030 ;Structural tile, except facing, shipments
sm0040 ;Sewer pipe and fittings, vitrified, shipments
sm0060 ;Floor & wall tile & access., glaze & unglazed, shpmnts
sm0071 ;Brick and structural clay tile, Producer Price Index
sm0080 ;Flat glass, manufacturers' shipments
sm0110 ;Glass containers, production
sm0120 ;Glass containers, shipments, total
sm0130 ;Food (narrow-neck) glass containers, shipments
sm0140 ;Beverage (narrow-neck) glass containers, shipments
sm0150 ;Beer (narrow-neck) glass containers, shipments
sm0160 ;Liquor and wine (narrow-neck) glass containers, shipments
sm0170 ;Food and dairy products glass containers, shipments
sm0180 ;Medicinal & toilet glass containers, shipments
sm0190 ;Chemical, hsehld. & industrial glass containers, shpmnts.
sm0200 ;Glass containers, stocks,
sm0210 ;Crude gypsum (excl. byproduct), production
sm0220 ;Calcined gypsum, production
sm0230 ;Crude gypsum, imports
sm0240 ;Uncalcined gypsum products, sales
sm0250 ;Calcined gypsum industrial plasters, sales
sm0265 ;Calcined gypsum building plasters, sales, total
sm0270 ;Gypsum board products, sales, total
sm0280 ;Gypsum lath board, sales
sm0290 ;Gypsum veneer base, sales
sm0300 ;Gypsum sheathing, sales
sm0310 ;Regular gypsum board, sales
sm0320 ;Type X gypsum board, sales
sm0330 ;Predecorated wallboard, sales
sm0340 ;Five-sixteenth mobile home board, sales
sm0350 ;Water/moisture resistant board, sales
xm0030 ;Woven fabric, production
xm0040 ;Woven fabric, cotton production
xm0050 ;Woven fabric, manmade & silk production
xm0060 ;Woven fabric, inventory held at end of period
xm0070 ;Woven fabric, cotton inventory held at end of period
xm0080 ;Woven fabric, manmade & silk inventory held at end of period
xm0090 ;Woven fabric, backlog of finishing orders
xm0100 ;Woven fabric, cotton backlog of finishing orders
xm0110 ;Woven fabric, manmade & silk backlog of finishing orders
xm0120 ;Cotton fiber, production, ginnings (cumulative)
xm0130 ;Cotton fiber, production, crop estimate
xm0140 ;Cotton fiber, consumption
xm0150 ;Cotton stocks in the United States, end of period
xm0160 ;Cotton stocks in the United States, end of period, domestic
xm0170 ;Cotton stocks in the U.S., domestic, on farms and in transit
xm0180 ;Cotton stocks in the U.S., domestic, pub. storage and compresses
xm0190 ;Cotton stocks in the U.S., domestic, consuming establishments
xm0200 ;Cotton (exclusive of linters), exports
xm0210 ;Cotton (exclusive of linters), imports
xm0220 ;Cotton (exclusive of linters), price, American upland
xm0230 ;Cotton, price, Strict Low Middling, Grade 41, avg. 10 markets
xm0240 ;Spindle activity, active, last working day, total
xm0250 ;Active spindles, last working day, consuming l00% cotton
xm0260 ;Spindle activity, spindle hours operated, all fibers, total
xm0270 ;Spindle hours operated, all fibers, average per working day
xm0280 ;Spindle hours operated, consuming l00% cotton
xm0290 ;Cotton cloth, broadwoven goods, production
xm0300 ;Broadwoven goods, unfilled orders, end of per.
xm0310 ;Broadwoven goods, inventories, end of period
xm0320 ;Broadwoven goods, ratio of stocks to unfilled orders
xm0330 ;Exports, cotton cloth, raw cotton equivalent
xm0340 ;Imports, cotton cloth, raw cotton equivalent
xm0345 ;Producer price index, gray cotton broadwovens
xm0350 ;Manmade fiber, production, acetate filament yarn
xm0360 ;Manmade fibers, production, rayon staple including tow
xm0370 ;Prod., noncellulosic (ex. textile glass), yarn and monofilaments
xm0380 ;Production, noncellulosic (ex. textile glass), staple incl. tow
xm0390 ;Manmade fibers, production, textile glass fiber
xm0400 ;Stocks, producers', end of period, acetate filament yarn
xm0410 ;Stocks, producers', end of period, rayon staple including tow
xm0420 ;Stocks, producers', noncellulosic fiber, yarn and monofilaments
xm0430 ;Stocks, producers, noncellulosic fiber, staple including tow
xm0540 ;Producer price index, gray synthetic broadwovens
xm0680 ;Wool consumption, mill (clean basis), apparel class
xm0690 ;Wool consumption, mill (clean basis), carpet class
xm0700 ;Wool imports, clean yield, total
xm0710 ;Wool imports: unimproved and other grades not finer than 46's
xm0712 ;Wool imports: 48's and finer
xm0720 ;Wool price, delivered to U.S. mills, domestic-graded territory
xm0730 ;Wool price, delivered to U.S. mills, Australian, duty paid
xm0740 ;Wool broadwoven goods, excluding felts, production
xm0750 ;Floor coverings: carpet,rugs, carpeting, shipments
xm0760 ;Women's, misses', juniors' apparel cuttings- coats
xm0770 ;Women's, misses', juniors' apparel cuttings- dresses
xm0780 ;Women's, misses', juniors' apparel cuttings- suits
xm0800 ;Women's, misses', juniors' apparel cuttings- skirts
xm0795 ;Women's, misses', juniors' apparel cuttings-slacks, jeans, etc.
xm0790 ;Woman's, misses', juniors' apparel cuttings: blouses
xm0810 ;Men's apparel cuttings, suits
xm0820 ;Men's apparel cuttings, coats (separate), dress and sport
xm0830 ;Men's apparel cuttings, trousers (separate), dress
xm0850 ;Men's apparel cuttings, shirts, dress and sport
xm0860 ;Hosiery, shipments
tq0010 ;Aerospace vehicles, orders, new (net), total
tq0020 ;Aerospace vehicles, orders, new (net), U.S. Government
tq0030 ;Aerospace vehicles, orders, new (net), Prime contract
tq0040 ;Sales (net), receipts, or billings, total
tq0050 ;Sales (net), receipts, or billings, U.S. Government
tq0060 ;Backlog of orders, end of period, total
tq0070 ;Backlog of orders, end of period, U.S. Government
tq0080 ;Backlog of orders, aircraft (complete) and parts
tq0090 ;Backlog of orders, engines (aircraft) and parts
tq0100 ;Bcklog of ord., missiles, space veh., propulsion units & prts
tq0110 ;Backlog of ords. other related operations, products, & serv.
tm0120 ;Aircraft (complete), shipments, value
tm0140 ;Aircraft (complete), exports, commercial
tm0150 ;Passenger cars, total factory sales (from U.S. plants)
tm0160 ;Passenger cars, domestic, factory sales (from U.S. plants)
tm0170 ;Passenger cars, total (new), retail sales, (not seas. adj.)
tm0180 ;Passenger cars, domestics (new), retail sales
tm0190 ;Passenger cars, imports (new), retail sales
tm0200 ;Passenger cars, total (new), retail sales, (annual rate)
tm0210 ;Passenger cars, domestics (new), retail sales, (annual rate)
tm0220 ;Passenger cars, imports (new), retail sales, (annual rate)
tm0230 ;Passenger cars, domestics (new), retail inventories
tm0240 ;Passenger cars, domestics (new), retail inventories
tm0250 ;Passenger cars, domestics (new), inventory/sales ratio
tm0260 ;Passenger cars, total (new), exports (assembled units)
tm0270 ;Passenger cars, to Canada (new), exports (assembled units)
tm0280 ;Passenger cars, total (new), imports (complete units)
tm0290 ;Passenger cars, from Canada (new), imports (complete units)
tm0300 ;Passenger cars, total (new) registrations COPYRIGHT (R.L. Polk)
tm0310 ;Passenger cars, imports(new) registrations COPYRIGHT (R.L. Polk)
tm0320 ;Trucks and buses, total, factory sales (from U.S. plants)
tm0330 ;Trucks and buses, domestic, factory sales (from U.S. plants)
tm0333 ;Trucks and buses, total, retail sales (incl. imports)
tm0335 ;Trucks & buses, (0 - 10,000 lbs. GVW), domestics, retail sales
tm0336 ;Trucks & buses, (0-10,000 GVW), imports, retail sales
tm0338 ;Trucks and buses (10,001 lbs. GVW and over), retail sales
tm0342 ;Trucks and buses, total, retail sales (incl. imports)
tm0351 ;Trucks and buses, (0 - 10,000 lbs. GVW), domestics, retail sales
tm0357 ;Trucks & buses, (0-10,000 GVW), imports, retail sales
tm0361 ;Trucks and buses (10,001 lbs. GVW and over), retail sales
tm0365 ;Trucks and buses, total, retail inventories
tm0370 ;Trucks and buses, total, retail inventories
tm0380 ;Trucks and buses, exports (new), assembled units
tm0390 ;Trucks and buses, imports (incl. separate chassis and bodies)
tm0400 ;Trucks and buses, registrations COPYRIGHT (R.L. Polk)
tm0410 ;Truck trailers & chassis, total complete units, shpmnts
tm0420 ;Truck trailers and chassis, vans, shipments
tm0430 ;Truck trailer bodies, detachable, sold separately, shipments
tm0440 ;Truck trailer chassis & running gear, sold separately, shpmnts
tm0450 ;Freight cars, new (excl. rebuilt), shipments, total
tm0460 ;Freight cars, new (excl. rebuilt), shpmnts, equip. mfgrers.
tm0470 ;Freight cars, new (excl. rebuilt), new orders, total
tm0480 ;Freight cars, new (excl. rebuilt), new orders, equip. mfrers.
tm0490 ;Freight cars, new (excl. rebuilt), unfilled orders, total
tm0500 ;Freight cars, new (excl. rebuilt), unflled ord., equip. mfrers.
tm0510 ;Freight cars (revenue), Class 1, number owned, total
tm0530 ;Freight cars (revenue), Class 1, carrying capacity, total
tm0540 ;Freight cars (rev.), Class 1, carrying capacity, aver. p/car